Do eBooks Offer any Advantages Over Printed Books? Let’s Find Out
Ever since ebooks made their way into the literature world, the reading community just can’t seem to stop arguing about it. Old Fashioned people who do not prefer innovations or new ideas can never get their heads around the concept of ebooks. Print books indeed offer a magical experience, and reading from an electronic gadget cannot come close to that. Nonetheless, the number of advantages that ebooks have cannot be overlooked just based on the reading experience.
Ebooks are beneficial for readers and writers alike. In the writing industry, there are so many book editing services that make the jobs of ebook writers much easier. On the other hand, this facility isn’t as readily available in the print industry. This aspect has made ebooks much more convenient for writers.
Digital books have gained supremacy over print versions for the past couple of years. If you compare the two, you will realize that printed hardcovers are still here only because of their feel. There’s no denying that the feeling of holding an actual book and the smell of the freshly printed pages is truly remarkable. However, ebooks are much more functional, especially in today’s faced-paced tech-savvy world.
Benefits of Ebooks Over Print Books
Here are some of the benefits that ebooks can offer over print books.
1. No Worries About Space
Stating the obvious: ebooks don’t have any weight. You can easily store several ebooks in your digital library. Even if your device is low on space, ebooks won’t fail you. All you need is a few MBs to store a great variety of books. On the contrary, books occupy a lot of shelf space, and if you carry them around, your bag will be heavy.
When you don’t have any room on your shelf for new books, you have to get rid of some old books. This is a challenging task for a reader. We build an emotional connection with the books that giving them away just doesn’t feel right. You never have to face this problem with ebooks and can store them on your device for as long as you like.
One device is enough to store as many ebooks as you want. It’s mostly the students that benefit from ebooks. College-level books are thick and hard to carry. Taking every book to class is impossible. Here, the ease of ebooks proves beneficial for them, and they don’t need to carry a heavy bag every day.
2. Ease of Access
One of the best features of ebooks is that you can download and store them for later use. You can carry them on your phone and read them whenever and wherever you want. If you have to commute every day for hours and carrying a book can be difficult, ebooks can save the day. With the option of offline accessibility, you don’t even need an internet connection. How awesome is that?
We are all aware of the hassle that comes with buying print books. You have to go to a store and spend so much time traveling. Even if you order it, it can take a while to arrive. On the contrary, you can purchase ebooks from literally anywhere in the world. There is no waiting time at all. Furthermore, while print books can be out of stock, ebook versions are unlimited.
3. Quick Fixes & Updates
This point is particularly related to educational books. You must have seen countless editions of books with recent updates or research. When this happens, the previous version is almost useless, and you have to buy the latest version. Ask any college student, and they’ll confirm how annoying this whole problem can be.
Ebooks have solved this predicament as well. Mostly, the ebook contents are cloud-based. So, they can easily be updated at any time. Authors can add up-to-date information as they please, and the readers can easily access the newest edition! This also saves the reprinting costs and significantly reduces the carbon footprint.
4. You Can Share Away
Have you ever lent your favorite book to a friend, and they never returned it? We can feel your pain! People often borrow books and never return them. Ebooks can solve this problem too. You can easily share the contents of an ebook with multiple users.
This feature comes in handy when students need to collaborate with their peers. The social feature also gives you an option to like the content. We can all agree that digitalization literature has truly transformed the literature world.
5. The Perks of Augmented Reality
It’s fascinating how you can now enjoy an augmented reality experience with ebooks. Texts and images are embedded with an augmented 3D visual that pops up on your screen, transporting you to a whole different world. You can enjoy a computer-generated 3D model that makes reading a phenomenal experience.
6. Relief for the Eyes
Your phones and tablets have the option to adjust the brightness levels according to your preference. You can also enable yellow light for further eye protection. These features are great for the eyes and do not strain them. On the contrary, reading from print books in dim light, especially at night, can cause vision problems.
If you switch on dark mode, it won’t disturb the people around you, and you can easily read in darkness. You can also change the font size and the background based on your liking. All these fantastic options were never available with print books.
7. The Read-Aloud Feature
Ebooks come with a narrating feature where they can provide text-to-speech. You can listen to the book while carrying on with your tasks. If you love reading, but your busy schedule doesn’t allow it, this feature was made precisely for you.
This feature is also helpful for children and adults with visual impairment or a learning disability. It can also help you pronounce new words correctly without having to look them up.
Final Words
With that said, ebooks can truly offer remarkable advantages over print books. However, if you feel that you prefer print books, then you can always enjoy them. The only thing that matters is that the reader enjoys their reading experience, and the means to it don’t really count for anything.
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