Travel and Leisure

What you need to know. Send parcel to Spain?

Proper parcel packaging is one of the key factors in ensuring the safe delivery of parcels. The contents of a well-packaged and durable package will be protected from external factors or possible damage during transportation. Be aware, because it is not that easy to send parcel to Spain without any knowledge.

What are the possible size and weights of the parcel?

The maximum weight of a standard parcel sent by post does not exceed 30 kg (parcel delivered by a mobile mailer – up to 10 kg).The maximum weight of a parcel when sending by courier is specified in EU post offices self-service or in the agreement with the customer. Minimum possible dimensions of the consignment: 2 x 9 x 14cm. A tolerance of 2 mm is allowed. Maximum dimensions of the shipment across EU: longest side up to 1.5 m; volume up to 3 m (volume = longest edge + 2 x (height + width)). There may be exceptions in different states.

How to pack fragile items?

For fragile items – ceramics, glass, electronic goods, etc. – Use special packaging intended only for the transport of those items. Consignments in which fragile items are sent (glass, porcelain, plastic, etc.) are not subject to special conditions for acceptance, sorting, and transportation of consignments, such consignments are distributed and delivered in the same way as all others. 

Glassware or other breakable items must be placed in a durable box with appropriate protective material, and the protruding parts (sculptural limbs, utensils, etc.) must be wrapped separately. Send parcel to Spain and you will be surprised how strict is can be. The protective material must form a protective space of at least 5 cm around the object. The glass parts must be separated from each other and tightly insulated.

How to correctly label address parcels?

The address must indicate (both sender and recipient):

First name last name

They should be indicated in full and written in Latin letters. If purchased in a foreign country’s e-shop, it is better to write without any additional native language letters. A shipment can only be sent to a specific recipient at a specific address, i.e. it is not possible to write the addresses of post offices, to indicate the names of supermarkets or companies instead of the address, nor to leave such entries as “will be taken by another person” – such information should be provided in an additional field, if possible;

Street name

It should be specified for purposes without abbreviations if there is a choice from the list provided by the sender. The address can be checked on the EU Post’s website; House and apartment number. If the address has both a house and an apartment number, they should be written through a hyphen, such as 6-43;

Zip code

These are 5 numbers that specify the written address. Zip codes change from time to time, so it’s worth checking it out before sending. You can even ship parcels to places like Barcelona without any problems.

City ​​/ town name, country

If the beneficiary lives in an area that is not the center of the municipality, the area to which the settlement belongs must be indicated.;

Phone number

This is not necessary but highly recommended due to the fact that most Spain courier company couriers do call before coming. It may happen that your apartment block has no door number on it and if the courier does not have your phone number he will leave and you will lose your chance to receive your parcel on time that day.

The consignment address sticker must be affixed in a visible place, clearly legible, undamaged and undamaged, and not affixed to the edge of the package or to the joint. The address of the shipment cannot be corrected or corrected by handwriting the information.

Additional information when send parcel to Spain

If you are sending a parcel from any country in the EU to Spain, there is no need to have an invoice prepared for customs. Customs only check the parcel if it goes internationally outside of European Union.

Be careful when sending a parcel that contains unlicensed material, it may cause problems for you and the service provider. If you are shipping alcoholic beverages it should be licensed and with proper documentation. Besides that, there are multiple other restrictions and prohibited items that can not be shipped. For instance liquid batteries or any explosive items.

Shipping times

Anywhere from Europe to Spain, it takes approximately 1 to 5 business days to deliver a parcel. Due to some circumstances, it may take longer than that, for instance, if it is a holiday break. The biggest delay may occur during the Christmas holidays.


In order to ship parcels across Europe you need to know a few essential things that were mentioned above. Including a possibility to insure your parcel, being aware of prohibited items, knowing what to do if the parcel was damaged, where to find help. Is there customer service that can help you out with anything related to your parcel? Price range and more.

If you are interested in learning any of that feel free to visit

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