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Wedding Hashtag Generator

Looking forward to making your wedding trending on your followers’ feed? Let’s start working on the wedding hashtag! It is no rocket science. In this generation, almost all know how hashtags work. If not, I will attach a brief explanation of that as well. But let’s first start with a few trending hashtag ideas people often use.  

Trending Hashtag Ideas to Inform Your Guests in 2022 

The big day can be the moment you’ve been waiting for your life. So, it is natural to want to take your wedding day to the next level. And with these hashtag ideas, you can make your dream day innovative. Let’s check out the ideas. 

  • Hashtags on Invitation Cards  

Whether you are sending your wedding invitation cards online over social media or handing them out physically, you can use hashtags #savethedate, #thedayiscoming, or #tyingtheknot. You can even use your own custom hashtag. I have also added a few innovative wedding hashtag ideas below in the article.  

  • Hashtags On Stirrer

On your wedding day, if you are serving any drink, no matter if it’s an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink, you can ask the caterer or event manager to provide a custom hashtag stirrer.  

  • Hashtags On Acrylic Prints  

You can use acrylic prints to decorate the space on your wedding day. And to make it more personalized, add hashtags on the glossy acrylic prints. 

  • Hashtags On Welcome Board  

This is one of the most common hashtag ideas that is followed nowadays. On the welcome board where the name of the bride and the broom is written, add your custom hashtag below it. 

  • Hashtags On Social Media Stories  

Keep your day big by adding stories on your social media account with your custom hashtag before your wedding. This way, people will be informed, and your hashtag will be trending. 

  • Hashtags On Wedding Photo Album  

Of course, you are planning to get a wedding photo album for your big day. Aren’t you? Why don’t you use your custom marriage hashtag on your wedding photo albums? 

  • Hashtags on Photo Booth 

People love clicking photos. Whenever you see a photo booth, you see it filled with people taking selfies. Why not create a photo booth on your wedding day and put the hashtag on the frame so that whoever posts an image near the photo booth the hashtag will be reflected? 

  • What Can You Put on Your Hashtag?  

Some people come planned and equipped, and some people keep wondering till their 11th hour. And these hashtag ideas are for both categories (depends on when you are reading the article).  

  • The Customary Hashtag

Let’s first start with the most common hashtag idea – the names. To explain in detail, you can use both of your names as your wedding hashtag, for example, #NavjotWedsHarmanpreet or #RoneetAndRuhee.  

  • Hashtag The Date

You can keep the idea simple by making your wedding date your custom hashtag. If you plan to marry in the Bengali new year next year, the hashtag will be #15042023. So when you contact the photo album maker, you know the date you need on the cover of your wedding photo album. 

  • Unique Hashtag  

You can also keep the hashtag unusual by adding a phrase like #LiveLoveAndLevelup, #TheDealStartsNextMonth, or something that would be witty plus unique. Just make sure it relates to the wedding and not a random hashtag. 

  • TV Show Wedding Hashtag 

Let your hashtag be inspired by your favorite TV show. For example, if you both love watching Game of Thrones, you can keep your hashtag #WeddingIsComing. Or, if both of your favorite show is F.R.I.E.N.D.S, you can keep your wedding hashtag #ChandlerFoundHisMonica. 

  • Funny Wedding Hashtag

This kind of wedding hashtag gets the required attention. Since it is funny, people tend to remember it. So, I would personally recommend you to choose a funny wedding hashtag. It can be like – #ButterHalf #YouMayKissTheMcBride #CatchMyBouquet #SheFinallySaidYes or #MatriMoney  

  • Romantic Wedding Hashtag  

Are you one of those couples who like to call each other with pet names and stay in each other’s arms? Then these hashtag ideas are just for you – #LoveYouToTheMoonAndBack #ForeverYours #YouAreMyHome 

  • Personal Wedding Hashtag

You can also keep your wedding hashtag personal that would describe both you and your partner for your love story. For example, if your story started near a lake, your hashtag can be #onceuponatimenearalake. Or, your story started in the month of December, and your hashtag can be #sincethatwintertilltoday. 

Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Hashtag

People use hashtags to make their weddings either trending or simply interesting. But in the process, they might make easy mistakes which you should avoid. Here are a few instances: 

  • Unused Hashtag 

Before choosing or starting using a hashtag, make sure it has not been used before. Else the purpose of creating a custom hashtag will be lost. 

  • Keep the Initials in Caps 

Imagine your hashtag is #letourlovegrowold (Let our love grow old), and someone reads it as – ‘le tour lo vegro wold’. They won’t be able to make sense of it. So, it is better to keep the initials in caps to avoid confusion. 

  • Check the Spelling  

You won’t believe it, but yes, people do make this mistake in a rush. So ALWAYS re-read your caption and hashtags before posting on any sites or printing it somewhere like wedding photo album.  

  • Try Wedding Hashtag Generator 

If you cannot select a wedding hashtag, you can also try using a wedding hashtag generator. Search “wedding hashtag generator” on Google, and you will find plenty for free. 

Why Should You Use a Wedding Hashtag?

As promised, I am here to explain briefly how the hashtags work and why you should use them at your wedding. There would be hundreds of guests at your wedding. You can not go to all and ask for images that they will click on your wedding. Can you? But if they use your custom hashtag and upload it on social media, you can search for the image online using the hashtag. Plus, say someone close couldn’t attend your wedding, how will they feel a part of the event? They can go online, search by hashtag, and all the images will appear, letting the person partially enjoy your glam wedding day.

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