Top 6 Ways To Improve Organic Clickthrough for Your Content
SEO is a tricky topic. There’s no magic pill or miracle cure to the incredible algorithm that powers Google, but there are definitely ways you can improve your results. After years of studying SEO and developing our own search-friendly content, we’ve condensed a few of our favorite tricks into this list.
There has always been a lot of speculation surrounding how you can improve your organic clickthrough rate. Organic clickthrough means the number of people who click your website link when they are viewing search results on a search engine. If you manage an SEO campaign for a business, or if you run a blog, this can become a concern – but only if low clickthrough is not attributable to low rankings in SERPs, rather than the quality of the content itself.
Use Long-Tail Keywords
Content that ranks for keywords with many monthly searches generally gets the most traction with readers. However, there are over 200 monthly searches for “long-tail keywords” and less than 50 for short-tail words. The conversion rate is higher as well. Instead of writing solely for that long-tail keyword, it is best to include all keywords in your article. Use long-tail keywords in the title, subheadings, and throughout the body of your text to ensure you cover all the bases when writing. You can even take guidance from Content Writing Services in India.
The more in-depth a search query is, the lower the competition. This makes it easier to rank for these long-tail keywords and get more visitors to your website. Your job is to find what they are searching for. There are many tools like Google’s keyword planner which help you with that. Once you found your long-tail keyword, you will use it with your topic and create content around it.
Write Effective Meta Descriptions
A good Meta description can increase your organic traffic by an extra 67%. Writing an effective meta description for your content is all about getting around 412 characters and writing a headline that clicks. What this means is that your goal as a writer should be to include a keyword-based on what the search query may be and then lead into it with something memorable. People tend to read more once they have already clicked on something so the goal should be to keep them engaged with the Meta description.
Although long-form content is the new black and proven way to increase search traffic, that doesn’t mean meta descriptions are irrelevant. In fact, they can also be a great way to create additional awareness of your blog posts and increase organic clickthroughs.
Implement Structured Data
Are you looking for ways to increase organic clickthrough for your content? Then implementing structured data could be the answer. Structured data include things like schema and microdata, which can be implemented into websites and HTML pages. This will help show search engines what site pages are about.
In addition, these search engines can then provide that information to their users, who in turn can click directly through to your page. Structured data isn’t new – it’s been around for a while now. However, there are still a lot of people not using it.
Create Posts With Images
The easiest way to improve your organic clickthrough rate is to post with images. Image posts will naturally attract more attention and clicks from users. When sharing stats, many content marketers suggest that using an image in the title will result in a 20% increase in CTR. On top of that, the more high-quality images you have on your webpage, the more likely you will get visitors to stick around.
People are visual creatures. This makes sense, as most primates have relied on their sight to survive for millions of years. If a company publishes a blog post without images, it can be argued that the content is not optimized for its readers.
Images are an important part of content. It’s an idea that has been popularized over the years and is something that is often shared, retweeted, and commented upon. Images are also an important part of search engine optimization because of how a reader reacts to them.
Use Descriptive URLs
You can definitely improve your clickthroughs, but if you don’t have user-friendly URLs that describe the article in question, it’s going to be pretty hard to do. You’ll have a much easier time getting people to search for the kinds of things they want to see, or at least make it easier for them to find what they’re looking for when they arrive on your page. You can even take guidance from E-commerce SEO Packages India.
URLs are a very important part of the modern web. In fact, they’ve become such an integral part of the web that it’s hard to imagine what the web would look like without them. It’s no surprise that they are such an important part of any website. URLs really only have one job to do and that is to direct users where they need to go. However, some URLs have a bigger impact than others.
Simplify Your Title Format
In theory, the title tag is your site’s most valuable real estate since it appears in the search result snippet and serves as the main call to action. And yet, many people still don’t treat it as such. So many businesses have been focusing on landing page optimization — yet they prefer viewing snippets as potential revenue streams while they’re really using them only to help guide searchers down the conversion funnel.
Everyone knows that E-commerce Seo India is important to the user. When was the last time you used a search engine to find something? Exactly, you go to Google, Bing, or Yahoo, and search for your keywords in the search box. You then click on the link that you think is most likely to be correct. The first clue as to whether it’s what you are looking for is whether the title of the page answers your question. Of course, if it doesn’t, there are always the preview snippets under each link. However, titles still play an important part even in these days of previews!