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Top 10 Tips for Virtual Interview

Many industries are considering video conferencing for job interviews. According to research by Handshake, 89% of employers are conducting their job interviews online. However, pitching yourself as a candidate via video conference can be just as daunting as interviewing face to face. If not more so!

What is a Virtual Interview?

A virtual interview is a digital method that enables remote assessment and screening of candidates. They are usually used as a first stage screening method, although their use accelerated as more firms went remote during 2020. Sometimes they are conducted by telephone but they mostly take place using video conferencing software.

How different us virtual interview than traditional interview

Often, virtual interviewing will be conducted like a traditional interview. However, Interviewing by video requires more thought about body language, facial expressions and non-verbal communication. These are harder to communicate than during a face-to-face interview.

Recruitment Mantra, an HR Consultancy in Kolkata, has revealed that candidates are more nervous in virtual interviews than face-to-face interviews. So, now it is more important to be fully prepared before your interview on software like Zoom

Top 10 Tips for Virtual Interview

Test Your Hardware Devices

Make sure you prepare for and test your technology before a meeting. Researching the company, researching job descriptions, planning your answers as best you can and so on. But be aware of also some little more to think about when it comes to virtual meetings. When you’re getting ready for a face-to-face job interview, you only need to prepare yourself. Researching the company, reviewing job descriptions, planning your answers as best you can and so on. But there’s a little more to think about when it comes to virtual meetings.

Sit in a Quiet Place

Given the opportunity, don’t give them any chances to be distracted by anything in the background! You’ll set yourself up in a room with good lighting (it helps to sit next to or close to a window) so that you can be seen clearly on the computer screen.

Sitting in front of a blank wall will guarantee that you’re the main point of the conversation. Some interview platforms give the option to choose an alternative background or blur yours out. While potential employers won’t judge you based on what your home looks like, it will be harder to convince them you have great organizational skills if you present yourself in an untidy corner of the room.

Be Ready Like You have Face-To-Face Interview

virtual interview tips

prepare for the job interview exactly as you would when meeting the hiring manager in person. This is a good plan if you are asked to attend the interview in person. If you are seen to be clicking around, it might give the impression that you’re not focused on the interviewer. You should answer any common questions without needing to use the internet.

Maintain Your Voice Pitch

Along with being paid close attention to what your potential employer is asking you, you should also try to pick up any communication cues they exude. For example, Don’t be afraid to softly copy their level of energy or the volume and tone of their voice. This can create a positive first impression by reflecting your own ability to adapt. Honing your interpersonal skills can help you build a personal connection with the interviewer.

Initiate Conversation 

As with any conversation, pauses in conversation can feel awkward and unnatural. Even if you don’t feel like filling the silence, you must try, it’s likely that your interviewer will simply be processing your answer during the natural lapses. If the question doesn’t warrant it, don’t feel like you need to give a long, drawn-out explanation. Being able to respond in a clear, concise manner is an important skill and will stand you in good stead during the interview.

Be Confident  

It’s important to stay confident during any interview, but try to communicate your thoughts through your body language. How you look while talking can help you appear as though you are Confident and Productive.

Wear Formal Attire

At your job interview, try to think of yourself as if you were the hiring manager in person. You may feel more comfortable in the clothes you wear while working at home. But, wearing smart attire will put you in the right mindset for an interview. This makes it easier to separate between your at-home and at-work personas. Consider items such as blazers, button-downs shirts or blouses and smart trousers or skirts.

Research About the Company

While it is difficult to know how to determine whether you would fit into the hiring company’s culture, understanding what the company values can help you in your research before the interview. You need to be clear on what the company values in order to make this clear to the hiring manager. This will make it easier for them to understand your enthusiasm and passion for the company.

Stay Positive

Spreading positive talk is a key part of promoting a positive attitude in order to make yourself feel        good about yourself. Avoid speaking negatively about your past employers or any of the less                exciting aspects of your previous jobs. The interviewer will already know you’re leaving for                  reason, so there’s no need to be overly negative. If you have any genuine good feelings about            current or previous position, speak openly about these. This will show respect and reflect your            excitement for work.

Be Proactive

It can be difficult to know when another person has finished speaking on a video call, so awkward        interruptions take place. Since you cannot read any visual cues, be mindful of talking over your            interviewer.
When you interrupt an interview, it is important to pause for a moment and think about how you would handle the situation if someone were to ask if they could continue instead.

Pause for a moment and think about how you would respond if that person did abolish the question because of some other opportunity or desire.

Take Away from Virtual Interview tips

You should be respectful, candid, and open to hearing what the company wants from you. You should also be willing to ask questions to gain an understanding of what they are looking for from you.


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