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Things You Need To Know About The Akashic Records

What Are The Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are a consciousness realm that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. This vibratory body of awareness lives everywhere in its totality and is always and everywhere available.

As such, the Records are an experienced body of information that comprises everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done during its life and all of its future potential.”

Read more: akashic records training online

Accessing your personal Akashic Records reading helps you to tap into the wisdom of the Akasha to shine a light in your life illuminating your way, making sense of your life’s obstacles, and opening the door to a deeper connection with your own Soul.

You may connect with this magnificent spiritual resource by learning to open your own Records, obtaining consistent access to this incredible endless source.

In my perspective, it is the ultimate spiritual self-empowerment and self-growth instrument.

Are The Akashic Records Related To Our Intuition?

When Akashic instructors work with clients, they frequently ask questions about their lives. The response is communicated to Akashic instructors via the Pinnacle. What I’ve learned about the records is that we are all always connected to them. They are recordings of our souls, which we all have. Our bodies are always full of energy.

According to the Akashic instructor, in 99 percent of their client readings, they claim they already know whatever they channel through them.

There’s just something they don’t pay attention to or give space for, whatever the case may be. There’s a chance they are laughing it off, thinking, “Well, I knew I was suppose to do that, but I thought I didn’t have the ability. They even claim to have had a dream about some past lives.

Why Use A Prayer?

The Akashic Access Prayer is one method for connecting with the Akashic Records.

Some people link spontaneously, and after using a prayer like this, they find they may have already connected with the Akashic Realm.

The advantage of applying a sacred prayer as a vehicle is that you may connect with INTENTION and CONSCIOUSNESS, allowing you to be aware of when you are opening and closing the Records.

This helps you to recognise, become familiar with, and form a relationship with the awareness and energy of the Akashic Records.

The following are some general guidelines for accessing your Akashic Records:

  1.  You must be at least 18 years old to access the Records.
  2. Avoid alcohol or non-prescribed mind-altering medications for 24 hours before opening the Records.
  3. Select a calm location where you are unlikely to be interrupt.
  4. Determine how much time you want to devote. We recommend starting with \s15 minutes until you get used to this energy. It can be helpful to set a timer, \sespecially at first.
  5.  These instructions are only for opening your personal Akashic Records. Additional directions and guidelines exist for opening the Records of other individuals, locations, and live beings.

The Akashic Records are not a tool for prediction. You will be given advice and suggestions, but you will not be told what to do. Our free swill is always respect. Also, because the Akashic Records are maintain in a dimension that is not confined by time, inquiries may not provide the expect results.

The more detail you provide, the better. Remember, this is a conversation.

You are establishing a relationship. If you are not pleased with what you receive, go back and request further detail, elaboration, or clarification. You can even ask in the

Keep track of how you might frame a query more effectively in order to receive more useful responses. Avoid yes/no questions, and remember that whatever you receive, we all have.

We have free will and must take responsibility for our own actions. If anything doesn’t work,

 make sense to you, express this and ask for help.

You can ask

  • How can I improve my collaboration with the Records?
  • How would working in my Records assist me?
  • Or any other inquiry that can assist you in this procedure.

How To Access The Akashic Records And Work With Them

Once you’ve determined what you want to inquire about:

  • Sit in a comfortable position and be prepare with paper and pen, or even sit in front of your laptop or computer.
  • You will write as you are in the Records.
  • You may also choose to record the information or impressions you are give orally.
  • Say the prayer out loud once.
  • In the blank use your Current Full Legal Name.
  • It is this name that has the vibration of your current Self.
  • Using this name will ensure that the correct information is bought forward for you. There is no need to remember the prayer; always read it.
  • The first few times you open the Records for yourself, you may wish to read the prayer privately to yourself two more times. Only then, say out loud The Records are now open.” This practise can help you to go deeper into the Records and experience this subtle energy in a stronger way.
  • Take a seat.
  • Visualize a column of light starting about above your head, coming into the top of your head through your crown (the crown chakra for those who are familiar) and anchoring in your heart.
  • This visualisation takes only a few seconds and unites the heart, mind, and soul healing.
  • First, take a moment and see if anything comes to you visually, if so, describe this. It’s fine if you’re not conscious of seeing, feeling, or hearing anything.
  • If you’re using a voice recorder, write down your question or say it out. You are speaking to the “Holders of the Light”. These are Beings of Light that support and help us in the Records. Do not expect to see specific beings, as that is not usual or even desirable in the Records. You may feel or sense the presence of loving support, but it will not be personality specific. For more visit our website homepage

Akashic record certification is a team effort between you, the reader, and the Records’ energy. The spirit of light and truth will illuminate your path.

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