Computers and TechnologyInternet and Businesses

Protect Your Business From DDoS Attacks  

A lot of people in the modern business world have heard of DDoS attacks, but few know what they are or how to protect their business from them. DDoS attacks can be initiated by anyone with an internet connection who wants to wreak havoc on the business world and who is willing to devote some of their bandwidth to the cause. 

For those that might not know, DDoS attacks are a type of online attack where the perpetrator attempts to bring down a website or service by overloading it with traffic. 

DDoS attacks have become one of the most common forms of internet crime, particularly among hackers. 

To understand how a DDoS attack works, it is helpful to first look at how the internet actually works. 

DDoS Protection: The Basics  

One of the most effective ways to protect a network from malicious attacks is with DDoS protection. 

A lot of sites these days rely on an internet connection to function. When hackers want to take them down, they’ll often launch a Denial of Service attack against the site. 

The term “DDoS” has come to mean many different things in the online world. This can be a bit confusing because it’s unclear what they all mean. 

In order to help clarify the topic, let’s look at some basics of what a DDoS attack is? DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) In its basic form, a DDoS attack is just when a single attacker tries to take down a server or website through constant connection requests, resulting in the network being overloaded. 

Defense Against DDoS  

Defending against denial of service attacks can be difficult because there are so many different types. In order to protect the infrastructure, prevent downtime, and save money, businesses should develop a solid plan to defend against them. This plan should include the following: 

A list of the most common types of DDoS attacks and the steps to protect against them 

Tools you can use to test the reliability of your network so you know when there is a potential DDoS attack and how quickly it could occur 

During a DDoS attack, the servers and applications that support the company are completely unprotected. In some cases, it is possible to replace or upgrade faulty hardware and software, but this can be very expensive. 

DDoS Protection with an Experienced Team  

What are you doing to protect your business against the recent and continuously growing increase in DDoS attacks? Are you utilizing all of the modern tools to minimize risk and achieve protection without compromising uptime? A fast-growing amount of businesses and organizations have been targeted by DDoS attacks in recent years. 

Companies that could not offer a good level of protection for their most valuable assets – such as websites and online services – have been attacked in order to damage or take them offline. 

What are you doing to protect your business from this trend? 

When considering the appropriate DDoS protection for your company, there are three main elements that need to be considered. 

  • Visibility and Control of Traffic 
  • DNS Protection/Stability 
  • Monitoring of Traffic, Connections, etc. 

The first consideration is to be able to track what traffic is going in and out of your network, and therefore be able to categorize traffic according to origin and target. 

The second aspect is to have a stable DNS setup that is not reliant on any single point of failure, as this can result in outages if your DNS servers are knocked offline. 

The third part is to make sure you have some form of DDoS protection in place which will stop your website and another service from being knocked offline. 


DNS Protection can reduce the likelihood of a potential DDoS attack. The Internet connection can be quite slow, especially if there is a Denial of Service that is happening. There are many businesses on the Internet world, so being cyber-ready is essential for any company that relies on the Internet for its business. 

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