
How To Derive Strategic EX Insights From Employee Surveys?

Using an employee insights survey, you can measure and enhance employee engagement and sentiment throughout the employee’s lifetime. You can use employee surveys as a valuable tool to aim your efforts toward improving staff morale and productivity.

Let’s examine why it is crucial for a company to make a consistent effort to understand employee experience and how survey data can provide valuable insights for strategic human resource development.

Why Is Employee Experience Important?

You can assess your employee’s experience by surveying their opinions. A business is prepared for development when it makes the necessary investments to ensure a positive employee experience at work. 

Positive employee experiences increase efficiency, boost productivity, lower absenteeism, improve employee engagement, and boost corporate profitability. 

Let’s examine these causes in greater depth.

1. Retention of employees. 

Employees actively look for employers who value them and provide positive working environments. An organization with these experiences will therefore be able to retain and draw in the most incredible talent.

2. More participation. 

The more involved and driven employees are, the more satisfied employees are. You can learn more about employee engagement using a sentiment analysis API.

3. Increased teamwork. 

Teams function more cohesively as a whole toward the shared objectives of the firm when there is higher employee engagement. This implies that a company will be more effective and long-lasting.

4. Increased output. 

Employees who feel supported, engaged, and that their contributions are valued will work harder and produce more. They will therefore complete more work in less time.

5. More reliable connections and trust. 

You can demonstrate respect for employees by providing a more humane working environment. As a result, the workforce has more loyalty and trust, which benefits the leadership team.

6. Increased originality. 

Happy workers put more effort into their work and, as a result, come up with more creative answers to issues and challenges.

7. Professional advancement. 

Programs for mentorship and appreciation are excellent ways to nurture good staff. In addition, employee recognition experiences are crucial for fostering professional development because of this.

How to Use Employee Surveys to Gain Strategic EX Insights

An employee insights survey offers a plethora of data that you can use to practice the essential ideas and actions to ensure that your employee programme is attractive to employees to grow your business.

Here are some critical ways for using employee surveys to gather these crucial strategic EX insights.

1. Examine all data types

You must analyze the text data from an employee insights survey. For example, these comments occasionally include emoticons or animated gifs. Similarly, you could want to use various forms of media to acquire a more thorough understanding of your employees’ ideas and feedback. 

For instance, when conducting employee exit interviews, you might wish to record the audio or video and include it in your employee experience surveys. Employee exit interviews are an underutilized resource but have a lot of potential for a business.

You may examine these different data and conclude them with the proper employee experience analytics software.

In addition to understanding how your employees feel about working at your company and what you can do to enhance their experience, this gives you more accurate results from your EX data.

2. Make use of open-ended questions

If you can take advantage of the informational treasure trove that answers to open-ended surveys might hold, you can derive insightful survey findings about the employee experience. 

Instead of employing straightforward “yes” or “no” questionnaires, doing this gives you a comprehensive overview of your employees’ perspectives.

 As a result, using employee insight surveys with open-ended questions will provide you with more pertinent information about how people feel about working for your organization.

Open-ended responses are analyzed using sentiment analysis software, which employs artificial intelligence-based tasks, including semantic clustering and natural language processing (NLP). 

3. Detect semantic similarity

This leads to the following idea: finding semantic overlaps in survey responses. Using a sentiment analysis API that uses semantic clustering can help you gain better employee insights from surveys and provide a deeper understanding of your employees’ thoughts and emotions. 

To avoid getting double positives or negatives, which might damage the accuracy of your insights, semantic clustering enables the tool to extract the meaning behind survey replies that appear to be similar.

This is much more important when dealing with multilingual data since a business must examine employee surveys in various languages.

4. Sentiment analysis

You will only be able to determine if an employee loves or dislikes specific components of his job description or the organization if you use simple surveys based on closed-ended questions and responses. However, you can evaluate a more significant amount of data from open-ended questionnaires. 

You can gain a wealth of EX insights by using sentiment analysis to evaluate this employee feedback data, which will help you enhance the employee experience.

All the elements, subjects, and themes are extracted from survey data, and each sentiment is examined separately. 

As a result, unlike closed-ended questionnaires, you could find out why a worker feels a certain way and what you can do to foster a loving workplace.

5. Monitor employee sentiment over time

Another crucial advantage is using survey sentiment analysis powered by machine learning while conducting employee insights surveys. As a result of its ability to contrast past and present data, it enables you to gauge and monitor employee attitudes over time.

You can understand how initiatives and measures affect employee opinion by measuring and tracking them over time. 

This aids in evaluating the success of your ideas for enhancing the employee experience. Additionally, it enables you to assess and monitor the intricate relationships between the many components of your employee experience. 


Your EX analytics tool must have the most powerful machine learning mechanism to comprehend an employee insights survey if you want to give the most outstanding employee and brand experience. Then you can use those findings to create effective employee experience initiatives. 

This means that video content analysis may glean insightful information from any data, including surveys, posts, and comments on third-party employee feedback websites like Glassdoor and Linkedin. The EX analytics tool can also be used to enhance the overall brand experience of your business.

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