
How Much Does React Native App Development Cost?

If you look around, you’re bound to observe some impressive technological advancements which are creating numerous business opportunities across the globe. In 2022, whether you own a small-scale company or a large one technology will be the top priority. There are plenty of people who believe they will see technology making the React Native app development industry a major one in 2023.

Entrepreneurs are looking to promote their brands on their mobile phones to increase their reach. The cost of developing an app isn’t set in blocks. The cost ranges between $25,000 and $250,000.

Don’t be worried. These figures aren’t as realistic as they appear. This is a summary of the most effective React Native app development cost.

Because it’s difficult and costly to develop an app that is of high quality for Android and iOS so it’s a good idea to develop your application for both platforms simultaneously. This allows you to reach a wider audience while saving time and cost. What’s the price to develop a React Native app? This article will tell the cost and the reasons.

What is React Native?

The framework was developed by Facebook the company, the JavaScript framework can be utilized to create applications that run on smartphones as well as other small devices. If React Native is compared to React JS, the two have a lot of similarities when it comes to creating reused UI components. With the familiar React principles and designs, it’s more straightforward to design stunning and mobile-friendly applications than to create a new app with a blank slate.

Based on the React framework already available, permits developers of web applications to reuse much of the code they previously created. It has become a very popular framework to create mobile apps.

Due to the number of resources needed by the team to build React Native, the cost of creating React Native apps in-house can be extremely expensive. However, it’s a cross-platform platform framework. If you create an app that works on iOS and Android it is possible to utilize JavaScript code that is compatible with both platforms.

What are the benefits of using React Native when developing your application?

Walmart, Bloomberg, Skype, and Discord are just a few applications that were not created using this framework, however, they’re not Facebook applications. The people who create apps have a different perspective than we do. What could be the case? The advantages and disadvantages to React Native aren’t going to be addressed in detail in this article, but. This section focuses on the reason why React Native is a good option for developing apps.


The apps are renowned for being extremely well-designed. Since it can replicate the experience of native apps This is among its most appealing features since it allows the app to run smoothly. In some instances, apps developed using this framework can are more efficient than apps developed by those who created themselves. Furthermore, they employ GPUs (graphics processing units) to accelerate the process.


The framework is open-source. It was developed by the people who utilize it. Developers can swiftly and easily locate the information they require. If you’re stuck with an issue, it’s simple to seek help from people around you. Numerous events and conferences are happening constantly. If you run a business to be able to have a large number of potential clients helps you find excellent developers and the top ones.

It’s a good idea. It’s possible to do it either way, or you can take the simpler route and talk to an outside staffing firm.


The framework allows additional group members to work more easily with one and each other. The code can be reused again, meaning that any developer can pick up from where another developer started. It is also possible to use another’s code to create an application that is specific to a particular platform. The code reuse and flexibility make it possible for multiple individuals working on the same project to work easily.

There’s no reason to begin from scratch if you decide to shift your program to a new framework. Exportable code can be utilized for such things. You can add features to your website or app without writing an entirely new version. This lets you accomplish this without writing an entirely fresh version of your website or app. This saves you both time and money as it doesn’t require you to create a new version.

A streamlined User Experience

After the launch of the app, you will need to release updates for your app. That is, in essence, an easy-to-use experience. As a consequence, it could take longer to update your app due to the time needed to create new codes for every mobile platform. Additionally, it could affect those who use the various platforms.

A good user experience indicates that customers will benefit from your product, leading to growth in your business because the more people who use your product.

What does React Native cost? The elements are the underlying causes

React Native is among the easiest-to-use frameworks currently on the market. So let’s look at it step-by-step to find out the price. If you’re looking to build a simple application, React Native is an excellent option.

Many factors influence the amount it takes to develop the React Native app. These include the complexity of the app as well as your requirements for mobile app development and the experience of the developer.

The hourly rates for hourly charges in The United States usually range from $100 to $125. The most crucial aspect is the experience of the developer and this is among the most crucial things to consider. It is possible to outsource your development project to offshore companies operating in countries like India where hourly costs are lower than in other countries like that the United States.

The most important factors that influence the price of creating a React Native app are:

  • App complexity
  • User authorization
  • Add-ons
  • App Category
  • App design
  • Team size
  • The location of the agency
  • App distributions
  • Maintenance and support for Apps and much more

Step 1: App Complexity

You can download any app in the app store and put it in a category that ranges from simple to tough.

Certain aspects that makeup segmentation:

  • Development of the admin panel: The greater the quality of the admin panel, the more complex the complexity chart for an application will be, which in turn affects its price.
  • Deployment Architecture Model: Custom or BaaS options for development are available.
  • In-App Purchase: The more in-app payment options your app provides the more complex it gets.
  • Third-party integration: React Native has a bit more complicated than Native development in terms of interacting with the other applications’ features like login and payment.
  • Integration with legacy software: The in-house systems generally fall into the medium to high-complexity category.

Step 2. User Authorization

If you’re building an app that requires users to be able to log in and register, the cost is higher than apps that don’t require checks based on roles that are typically created by the developers.

Step 3. Add-ons

If you are planning to create an app that is geared towards customers it is possible to connect your app with social media, and then add extra features for users to make use of. Custom add-ons for your app make up a large element of the price of the app. In-app purchases are an additional thing you can purchase.

Step 4: App Category

The features of your app, such as the number of real-time users on it, the number of security issues it faces, and so on, will determine the type of application it is. The expenses for developing a React Native app will likely go up due to these intricate details. The more features you have in your app and the higher the price it will cost you to develop and utilize it.

Step 5: App Design

What keeps your customers interested in your application? A mobile app that is easy to switch from one screen to the next is user-friendly and well-timed animations that are useful for the future.

Costs can be easily tied to the layout of screens as well as how users use the screens. This is an excellent feature when it comes to React Native app development, the costs for development are much lower than for Native apps.

Step 6: Developer experience

For starters, let’s examine this aspect. What it will cost to employ React Native app developers would depend on whether you employed freelancers, worked for an average-sized business, or worked with large corporations. the most cost-effective option to do is to recruit freelancers, though the quality may not be the best.

In this regard, it’s good to know that more people are keen on React Native development. There will be many people wanting to master it by 2022.

Businesses wanted React more than developers aware that it existed in the year 2018. This meant that there were fewer React Native developers available to work on mobile app projects in 2018. https://www.hackerrank.com/research/developer-skills/2019

More than a third of businesses are searching for React capabilities, but less than 19 percent of programmers understand how to utilize React. A growing number of developers are studying React and the percentage of developers who are aware of React was up from 20 percent in 2017 to 26% by 2018. This is a good thing.

As a guideline, when are working on a project that is simple with a flexible deadline, and an affordable budget then you may want to employ freelancers.

If your project is difficult and you’re working in only a short amount of time, you might want to consider engaging a React Native development company to aid you with your project.

Step 7: Location of the Agency

The location is crucial in the price of developing an app for mobile devices.

If you are looking for React Native app developers, you might be surprised to learn that agencies from Eastern countries are less expensive than those located in the United States and other Western countries, such as Australia. This is why you may want to outsource your work to reduce costs.

Step 8: Distribution of App

If you are thinking about ways you can get your application on the market, each store would have an additional fee. Stores such as Google Play and the Apple Store typically require developers to pay $100 for license fees.

There is a possibility that apps require authorization from the hosting company to comply with security standards and standards.

Step 9: App Maintenance

It is vital to ensure that your apps are updated frequently to ensure they can meet the requirements of your customers. This results in a higher degree of engagement as well as retention.

Maintenance of apps is estimated to be around 20% of the total cost of creating the application. Making changes, fixing bugs, and improving the design are all part of the process of maintaining an app.

What is React? How the Native Framework Can Save Mobile App Development Costs?

Companies had to pay an enormous amount of money for iOS and Android app development, even though React Native has been around since the year 2015.

Facebook determined to lower the costs of developing projects So it created the React Native tool. It doesn’t matter if a developer is using React Native or the web. Both can use the broad library seamlessly, modify the appearance and feel of the app and offer the user an experience that is truly native.

Another benefit of this React Native framework is that mobile app developers can immediately use it to develop a speedy simple, easy and effective app that runs on a range of operating systems and platforms with JavaScript as the JavaScript codebase.

React Native is also a JavaScript framework that lets developers create real native applications for Android as well as iOS. There are a few things that make React Native good for almost every project:

  1. Utilizing JS as a Programming Language: Utilize JavaScript, one of the best widely used in addition to the fastest growing languages used by contemporary app creators. Therefore, they don’t need to learn the curve, and therefore do not have to.
  2. Quick Update Implementation: Developers can swiftly make updates to React Native apps without having to download them. This reduces time.
  3. Cross-Platform plus Code Reusability: The cost of developing two native applications using React Native can be cut by creating one application using React Native and one app using another. Choose a software development firm that can make the most of the benefits of this feature and create multiple apps from an identical codebase.
  4. Hot Reloads: Developers using React Native can save a considerable amount of time as they can make changes to the code and have it appear immediately without the need to wait for downloading.

Bring your ideas to Digital Reality by hiring developers of React Native apps

It is recommended to choose to use the React Native framework for your application because it can help you create your app in the shortest amount of time.

At Artoon Solutions, we believe there’s no standard approach to React Native app development costs. Many elements determine the price of your application.

If you’ve got a fantastic idea for an app Let us know. Our award-winning team has a wealth of experience in the development of cost-effective React Native apps.

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