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Guide to Creating Custom Menus with Multipurpose Themes

Multipurpose themes are highly versatile and can be customized in many ways to create a unique website that stands out from the crowd. One of the key features of multipurpose themes is the ability to create custom menus that enhance website navigation and improve user experience.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating custom menus with multipurpose themes. We will cover the basics of menu creation, how to customize menus to suit your website’s customization needs, and provide examples of multipurpose themes that make menu creation easy.

What are Custom Menus?

Custom menus are navigation menus that are created to suit the specific needs of a website. They can be created from scratch or built using pre-existing menu templates that are included with the theme. Custom menus can be used to organize content, add links to pages, categories, or tags, and improve user experience by providing easy navigation. Custom menus are essential for websites that have a lot of content and need to provide a clear path for visitors to find what they are looking for quickly.

Basic Steps to Create Custom Menus

Creating custom menus with multipurpose themes is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. Here are the basic steps to create custom menus:

Step 1: Access the WordPress Menu Editor

To access the WordPress Menu Editor, log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on Appearance, then click on Menus.

Step 2: Create a New Menu

To create a new menu, click on the Create a new menu link at the top of the page. Enter a name for your menu and click on the Create Menu button.

Step 3: Add Items to Your Menu

To add items to your menu, select the pages, categories, or custom links you want to add to your menu from the left-hand side of the menu editor. Once you have selected the items you want to add, click on the Add to Menu button to add them to your menu.

Step 4: Customize Your Menu

To customize your menu, you can rearrange the order of menu items by dragging and dropping them into the desired position. You can also create submenus by dragging menu items to the right to create a nested menu. To remove items from your menu, click on the item and then click on the Remove button.

Step 5: Save Your Menu

Once you have created and customized your menu, click on the Save Menu button to save your changes.

Customizing Menus with Multipurpose Themes

Paid and free multipurpose themes come with a variety of customization options that allow you to create menus that are unique to your website. Here are some of the ways you can customize menus with multipurpose themes:

Choose a Menu Style

Multipurpose themes come with a range of menu styles that can be customized to suit your needs. You can choose from horizontal or vertical menus, mega menus, or dropdown menus. Some themes even allow you to add animations or effects to your menu to make it more engaging.

Customize Menu Colors

Customizing menu colors can help to make your website look more professional and consistent. You can use the theme’s color customization options to change the color of the menu text, background, or hover effects to match your website’s branding.

Add Icons to Menu Items

Adding icons to menu items can help to make your menu more visually appealing and easier to navigate. Many multipurpose themes come with built-in icon libraries that you can use to add icons to your menu items.

Create Sticky Menus

Sticky menus stay fixed to the top of the page as users scroll down, making navigation easy and accessible at all times. Some multipurpose themes have the option to create sticky menus with just a few clicks.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of creating custom menus with multipurpose themes and how to customize menus to suit your website’s needs, let’s take a look at some of the key features that you should consider when choosing a multipurpose theme to create your custom menus.

Custom Menu Support

The first thing to consider is whether the multipurpose theme supports custom menus. Most modern multipurpose themes have this feature built-in, but it’s still worth double-checking to make sure. Without custom menu support, you won’t be able to create the type of custom menus that we’ve been discussing in this guide.

Menu Styles and Types

The next thing to consider is the range of menu styles and types that the multipurpose theme offers. You’ll want a theme that allows you to create horizontal or vertical menus, mega menus, and even mobile-specific menus. Look for a theme that offers a variety of customization options for your menus, including menu colors, typography, and icon libraries.

User-Friendly Interface

The theme’s interface is also an important factor to consider when creating custom menus. You’ll want a theme that has a user-friendly interface and an intuitive menu editor. A good interface will allow you to create custom menus quickly and easily, without needing to write any code.

Responsive Design

Responsive design is crucial for any website, and it’s especially important for custom menus. Make sure the theme you choose has a responsive design, so your menus look great on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Support and Updates

Finally, consider the support and updates offered by the theme developer. You’ll want to choose a theme that offers regular updates and has an active support team that can help you with any issues that arise.


Creating custom menus with multipurpose themes is an excellent way to improve the user experience of your website. Custom menus are an essential part of any website. They help visitors navigate through your content and find what they’re looking for quickly. With a multipurpose theme that supports custom menus, you can create menus that match your branding and style, and choose from a range of menu styles and types. This can include drop-down menus, mega menus, and more.

A user-friendly interface and responsive design are also critical. They ensure that your menus look great and function well on all devices. Finally, choosing a theme with good support and regular updates can help you ensure that your custom menus stay up-to-date. With these features, you’ll be able to create custom menus that help your website stand out from the crowd.

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