Internet and Businesses

Best Way To Determine How Fast Your Home Internet Really Is?

It’s true that you often get what you pay for in Australia, but what happens when you don’t? When do you know? What kinds of tests can you run? What can you do to make things better?

  1. In what ways can I determine the actual speed of my internet connection?
  2. What sort of download and upload speeds could I expect from my Internet provider?
  3. In order to acquire or enhance the service for which I am paying, what can I do?

1. How can I determine the actual transfer rates of my Internet connection?

In order to connect to the internet, the outside signal must be converted via a little box called a modem or modem router. If HFC is being utilized, then you will additionally have an NBN Connection box.

The 3G, 4G, and 5G networks are the types of networks used by mobile broadband routers to receive signals from cell phone towers using radio waves.

You can only obtain an accurate read on your Internet connection speed if your computer is physically linked to the modems or modem-router through an “ethernet-cable,” as described below.

Using Wi-Fi to connect to the modem is not indicative of the modem’s or the internet’s actual performance. Test over Wi-Fi only if absolutely necessary, and position the test equipment as near to the router as you can.

Connect your computer to the modem using an Ethernet connection, then launch an internet browser, type in the address of the website you wish to visit, and press the “GO” button.

The speed test will start and provide the following three results. Check the download and upload speeds using a ping.

Generally speaking, a lower PING speed (sometimes called “Latency”) indicates a higher quality internet connection.

WHY SHOULDN’T I TAKE THE TEST IF I’M Using a Wireless Connection?

Testing actual Internet speed requires hooking up to a modem using an Ethernet connection.

Wi-Fi connections can experience speed drops of up to 90% due to factors including physical distance from the modem, electrical interference from nearby appliances, and obstacles in the line of sight between the modem and the computer. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Mediacom’s support staff if you run across any issues.

When linked via Ethernet cable, however, most ISP modems perform properly. Even when in proximity to the modem, wireless connections often perform much more slowly than those established using a hardwired Ethernet cable.

2. What should my download and upload speeds be?

A variety of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and telecommunications companies in Australia make access to the web possible.

Copper lines, coaxial cables, and fiber links from the NBN Co or Free Telecom businesses utilizing technologies like FTTP, FTTN, NBN, Fiber, or ADSL are often available in metropolitan areas for internet fiber.

Take a look at to know more in detail about the Internet speed. 

Wireless Internet may be accessed from anywhere using mobile phone towers or fixed-wireless links.

Some rural residences may still rely on ADSL connections through antiquated copper telephone lines, while others have no alternative but to use fixed-wireless, satellite, or mobile broadband.

Fixed wireless, FTTP/N, FTTC/H, FTTN/B, and FTTB/NBN

The following article describes the speeds that may be expected as an NBN client. According to NBN Company, a minimum download speed of 15 mbps is required during peak hours.

For NBN subscribers, check your plan details to see whether you’re getting what you paid for, although in general, download speeds vary substantially based on the type of internet connection you have had and the distance from the telephone network or mobile tower. What follows is a table comparing common connection speeds across various connection types.


When you are not at home or at work where you have access to Wi-Fi, your smartphone will connect to the Internet through mobile broadband. We usually refer to it as “3G” or “4G” or “5G” when we talk about it. While this capability is inherent in your phone, a “dongle” or “mobile-broadband modem” is required when using a desktop or laptop computer. You can get excellent download speeds of 30 to 70 Mbps.


Fixed wireless Internet services are provided by a number of Australian businesses, and their speeds are competitive with or even superior to those provided by other NBN technologies.


You may only be able to go online via Fixed Wireless or Satellite if you live in a rural location.

Online service providers (ISPs) in Australia, including SkyMesh, offer satellite Internet service under the brand names Sky MusterTM and Sky MusterTM Plus.

3. How can I ensure that the service I am purchasing for meets my needs? Or How can I contribute to making that service better?


1) If your modem is older than three years, you should consider upgrading. To save money, it’s best to upgrade your modem every few years.

2) At least once a week, power cycle your router, modem, or NBN box.

It’s the conventional wisdom, yet it really does work for a wide range of situations.

Together with your modem, you should restart your NBN Connection box if you have one.

3) See If There Are Any New Firmware Updates For Your Modem Firmware and drivers for modems are frequently updated by manufacturers to newer versions than those included with the device. Updating your firmware might help your modem run more smoothly and faster.

4) Switch to a more robust Internet package

There are four different NBN speed levels available; which one do you choose?

5) Switch Internet Service Providers (Internet Service Providers)

One cannot generalize about ISPs. And if they’re having trouble getting through a crowded location, their service can be noticeably slower than the norm. Pentanet is highly recommended as they provide both NBN and Fixed Wireless services in the Perth area.

6) Evolve Current Internet Infrastructure

Most Australians are able to pick between many Internet service providers, some of which may or may not use NBN technology. To explore your available options, please click on the relevant menu items below.

7) File a complaint with the Telecom Ombudsman

You may file a complaint with Australia’s Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman if you’re unhappy with your ISP’s service and can’t work things out with them.

Access to Internet Speed and Signal Strength Tests, as well as Expert Advice, Conducted On-Site

We provide a call-out service, with rates starting at $45 (see the complete list of serviced suburbs here), plus the amount of time spent on site diagnosing and correcting the issue.

We will travel to your house or place of business and do the aforementioned examinations for the stated price. This can be required if we are unable to diagnose the issues remotely, or if connectivity to the Internet is inadequate.

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