Beneficial Tips To Optimize Blog Posts For SEO In 2022

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been incredibly important for marketers if at all they want to stand out in the competitive business. When we say optimizing the web pages, it includes the blog posts too. But do you know how to optimize the blog post in the right way and when to do it?
It’s always good to optimize the blog content while you’re creating it. However, you can always return and improve your old articles anytime. In order to get large incoming traffic, blog SEO is very important. Writing a blog post is not an easy task. You cannot add something in random and expect it to rank on SERPs.
The blog or guest posting should be structured well, should be interesting to read, easy to understand so that your readers can share it further and indirectly help your blog post to rank better. Many bloggers fail to get benefits from the blog posts. Almost 60% of the business do have a blog section on their website but 65% of them have missed keeping it updated.
If you think you fall under this 65%, this blog is for you. Here is how to optimize your blog post.
Tips to Optimize your blog post
Many bloggers just start writing whatever comes to mind. But this can work only for experts who have a natural talent of writing. Others might need help and utilize the below-listed tips.
Keyword Research
This must be the initial and essential step for writing a blog post. There are a lot of tools available to perform keyword research. The tools such as Google Adwords Tool, SEMRush, Ahrefs, and many others will make your work easy to find keywords relevant to your niche. Make sure to choose the related topic that could bring good incoming traffic to their site.
Think what is the purpose of your chosen topic
Carefully research the topic to identify what you want to deliver to your readers. Think about the search intent, look for the queries, and find out the solutions for the queries. Check for different search results and the search terms so you can include them in the article or blog post to rank better than your competitors.
Use keywords naturally in the blog post
Once you identify the purpose of your writing, the keywords, and search intent, Include the keywords naturally in the blog post. Make sure to avoid keyword cannibalization, usage of keywords that look unnatural. Following are the places to add keywords:
- Title of the post
- Headings & Subheadings
- Initial introduction sentence
- Conclusion paragraph
- Use in anchor text
- Meta tags
Optimize images and videos
When it comes to SEO for images and videos, Search Engine Optimization SEO experts say since Google bots find it difficult to identify them one should optimize the images and videos. Save the file name with the keywords, use keywords in the alt text, use keyword-rich descriptions for images and videos.
Avoid using large file sizes for images and videos as this might impact the page loading speed of your blog page. A slow-loading page could have a negative impact on your readers and might tempt your readers to bounce from your page to your competitor’s web page. Hence make sure to use well-compressed image files and videos.
Reference others with links
While including the referring information on your blog content, make sure to include the referral links of the information. Quality links are the valuable commodities that rank your blog post in search engine result pages.
Referring others with links can be lucky for you if you get a link back from referring blog. So, make sure you do not miss the great opportunity to make your blog post rank well.
Use social media plugins
Social media platforms are the better place to promote your blog post to a large community. So, if you’re a small business, utilizing the social media platform can be a boon in order to have great exposure.
Having a social media plugin on your blog post can allow your readers to share the content on their social media pages. This could have a great exposure to your blog post.
Use Subscriptions buttons on your blog page
Subscription will allow your readers to be connected. Subscription buttons will offer viewers to subscribe to your posts through email. Once the readers click on the subscription button, they will get instant notification of newly uploaded blog posts on your website.
Follow and implement the above tips in your blog post. Make it more attractive, reader-friendly, easy to understand that conveys the purpose of your blog post. Optimize your blog and make it rank better on the SERP result page. If you’re looking for a blog content writer expert for your business, Eyes On Solution is here to help you. Contact us today for more details.