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10 Surprising Facts About Solar Energy

10 Surprising Facts About Solar Energy

The solar energy industry is finally able to stand on its own after decades of growth and political discussion. Solar power plants all across the world are defeating fossil fuels on price without subsidies, and the future looks a little brighter with each one.

Solar energy has been utilizing for heating, cooking, and other critical applications that make our lives easier for over 2,700 years. It’s easy to see why the sun has been such a valuable resource for humanity: if its rays can warm our bodies while we’re merely wandering around outside, there must be other uses for it!

The solar industry and solar companies are undergoing fast change as a result of its phenomenal expansion. Here are ten facts about this rapidly growing form of energy that may surprise you.   A Quick view on 10 facts:

  1. Solar Panel Cell Was First Invented Ion The Year 1941
  2. A Year’s Worth of Energy for the Entire Earth Is Equivalent to One Hour of Sunlight
  3. Solar power plants can endure up to 40 years
  4. Investing in Solar Energy Is Profitable & Can Pay for Itself
  5. Solar Panels Produce Power without Direct Sunlight
  6. Solar Power Can Also Fuel Airplanes
  7. It Produces No Air or Water Pollution
  8. China is the world’s solar energy leader
  9. It Emits Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions than Fossil Fuels
  10. Solar Panel Produce Approximately 10 Kilowatts Of Energy Per Square Foot


  1. Solar Panel Cell Was First Invented Ion The Year 1941

The photovoltaic effect, or the capacity to generate an electric current from the sun’s rays, was discovered in 1839 by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel. Russell Ohl invented the first solar panel cell in 1941, and Bell Laboratories released the first commercial panel in 1954.  

  1. A Year’s Worth of Energy for the Entire Earth Is Equivalent to One Hour of Sunlight

Solar energy, or energy produced by the sun, is the foundation of solar power. The sun’s energy can be stored in solar panels when it shines. These solar panels convert energy into power in two ways: photovoltaic and solar thermal. Photovoltaic energy is utilized for electricity, while solar thermal energy is used for heating. The sun’s energy is the most abundant source of energy on the planet. With just one hour of direct sunshine, you could generate enough energy to power the entire planet for a year with the help of the best solar company in Pakistan. The sun provides a lot of electrical energy!  

  1. Solar power plants can endure up to 40 years.

When a solar power plant is constructed, it is usually backed by a 20- to 25-year power purchase agreement with a customer (utility, business, or homeowner). However, this does not imply that such plants will be useless in two decades. Solar panels will not only endure 40 or 50 years, but the infrastructure surrounding a solar power plant is also quite valuable. Solar panels might be replaced with new, more efficient modules at a cheap cost to improve performance, but a solar power plant has a very long effective lifespan once a site is identified and the infrastructure is created. It all depends on what kind of solar company you are dealing with.  

  1. Solar Panels Can Produce Power without Direct Sunlight

Solar panels can absorb and transfer energy from the sun, but it does not have to be direct sunlight. Different sections of the sun’s light spectrum can be captured by solar panels. So, just because the sun isn’t shining directly on the panels – or because it’s a gloomy day – doesn’t mean the colors reflected from the sky aren’t being caught and used by the solar panel cells to generate power.  

  1. Investing in Solar Energy Is Profitable & Can Pay for Itself

When switching to a solar system, don’t be fooled by the initial installation cost; the value is in the entire amount you save by investing in solar electricity. You won’t have to pay a heating or power bill when your solar panels are installed, and the money you save on your electricity bill (which averages $1,300 per home annually) will eventually pay for your initial investment in a solar energy system. Furthermore, individuals who purchase solar panels may be eligible for a 30% tax reduction, and some jurisdictions even allow solar power owners to sell their extra solar energy, putting more money back in your pocket.  

  1. Solar Energy Can Also Fuel Airplanes

Solar energy is more than just a source of electricity for your home. It can also be use in automobiles. More and more individuals are commuting purely on solar energy, from vehicles to trains, and now even airplanes. This use of solar power outside of homes and commercial buildings is just the beginning of solar technology’s limitless potential to improve our daily lives.  

  1. Solar Panels Produce Approximately 10 Kilowatts Of Energy Per Square Foot

Solar-powered electricity is measure in kilowatt hours (kWh), and most solar panels have capabilities of around 225 watts, with the ability to create 20 watts per square foot. To put it into context (and for those who aren’t in the energy field), the average home need roughly 30 solar panels to meet its own energy needs.  

  1. China is the world’s solar energy leader.

Solar is gaining traction in the United States, but we’re still a little fish in comparison to China. According to GTM Research, the United States will deploy 12.4 GW of new solar power installations in 2017. China installed 24.4 GW in the first half of the year and is on track to exceed 50 GW for the entire year. To put China’s 2017 solar installations in context, 50 GW of solar would power 8.2 million American homes.  

  1. It Emits Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions than Fossil Fuels

Solar energy produces a lot less greenhouse gas than fossil fuels. The International Panel on Climate Change’s Working Group III reviewed hundreds of greenhouse gas emission estimates and summarized the findings of the most comprehensive studies in a special report. Their findings revealed that over the lifetime of each power source, renewable energy had a far smaller impact than fossil fuels.  

  1. It Produces No Air or Water Pollution

Solar energy does not pollute the air or water, nor does it emit greenhouse gases, but it may have certain indirect detrimental effects on the environment. For example, in the fabrication of photovoltaic cells (PV), which convert sunlight into electricity, various harmful minerals and chemicals are employing. Some solar thermal devices transmit heat using potentially dangerous substances.

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