Cats often suffer from ophthalmic diseases; one of the most common is glaucoma, leading to complete loss of vision.
These destructive changes cause the animal to lose the ability to see.
The factors that provoke the development of glaucoma include the following:
Congenital anomalies in the structure of the drainage system of the eye
Ophthalmic diseases (conjunctivitis, uveitis, etc.)
The use of corticosteroid drugs for the treatment of eye diseases
Damage to the eyes or skull as a result of trauma
genetic predisposition
Elderly age
Many experts also argue that glaucoma can develop while taking hormonal and steroid drugs.
What breeds are more susceptible?
No cat is immune from glaucoma; however, scientists identify some breeds in whose representatives it is most often recorded: Burmese, Persian, Siamese, exotics.
Glaucoma does not make itself felt for a long time. The owner can pay attention to the fact that his pet has red eyes and go to the clinic.
Thanks to this, the disease can be detected at an early stage. As the pathology develops, the cat develops clinical signs, the most obvious of which is mydriasis (dilated pupils, lack of reaction to light).
The pet’s eyes are watery, swollen, sometimes redden, the eyelids do not close tightly. The eyeball increases in size, the quality of vision decreases.
The animal experiences pain and discomfort in the diseased eye, squints and looks depressed.
May refuse to eat, tries to hide in a dark place, away from daylight or electric light. A previously active pet does not show activity, is poorly oriented in space. It’s hard for him to jump uphill.
Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic
To confirm or refute the diagnosis of glaucoma, an ophthalmologist, in addition to a visual examination, conducts the following studies: gonioscopy, ophthalmoscopy.
The most reliable diagnostic method is the measurement of intraocular pressure (tonometry).
Method of treatment, prognosis
Glaucoma is treated with conservative and surgical methods.
Drug therapy is aimed at reducing the size of the eyeball, normalizing the parameters of the fundus. Stabilization of the drainage system of the organ of vision is achieved through the use of drugs such as Timolol, Mannitol, Dichlorphenamide.
Phospholip, Physostigmine, Pilocarpine.
A more effective method of combating glaucoma is laser treatment. Surgical methods include partial removal of the ciliary body or drainage of the anterior chamber. If the eye is completely blind, it is removed.
In most cases, the prognosis for glaucoma is poor. It is impossible to stop vision loss with medications, and operations and laser treatment are very expensive, and not every cat owner can afford it.
Prevention of glaucoma includes timely treatment of diabetes mellitus, injury prevention, regular check-ups at the veterinarian.
What does it mean if the urine of a cat began to smell strongly?
Cats come from desert areas where access to water is often limited, so their bodies have adapted to make do with a small amount of water and save every drop.
As a result, their urine is very concentrated and, as a result, has a pronounced characteristic odor.
This is a property of all domestic cats, so owners need to be prepared for such manifestations and clean up after their pets more often.
But a sudden and significant change in the habitual smell indicates the appearance of serious disorders in the cat’s body, indicating the presence of pathologies or diseases.
In a healthy animal, urine is colored yellowish; it is transparent, without inclusions, with a specific “cat” smell, with a predominance of sharp notes of ammonia. Changes can indicate both serious diseases and external causes:
Lack of water, dehydration. Although cats are accustomed to minimal fluid intake, they cannot live without it. The situation can be aggravated by extreme heat, an abundance of dry food with insufficient clean water.
As a result, very concentrated urine with a high content of urea and ammonia is excreted, which has a strong odor.
sex hormones. During puberty and rut, a large amount of hormones accumulate in the blood and urine of the animal, which give the urine an additional smell, especially pronounced in males.
This is due to the fact that cats are territorial animals, and cats make sure to mark their territory and do it with urine.
Eating Disorders. If protein predominates in the cat’s food, there are malfunctions in protein metabolism, a lot of decay products and ammonia are released into the urine, the smell intensifies, becomes intense.
The same disturbances can occur when feeding an animal with one type of food, such as high-protein chicken and fish, or when using cheap low-quality food.
Pathologies of the genitourinary system: urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. These diseases can be hereditary or occur for various reasons: neoplasms, infections, severe hypothermia, salt and protein metabolism disorders.
Cats are especially susceptible to urolithiasis due to the structural features of the genitourinary tract. The presence of inflammation significantly worsens the smell of urine.
Tumor processes can also provoke a change in the composition and smell of animal secretions.
Cats, just like humans, can suffer from endocrine disorders such as thyroid problems or diabetes.
As a result, their urine acquires a characteristic sweet smell.
Stress causes disturbances in the functioning of all organs, and this easily affects the condition of the kidneys, so the smell becomes more concentrated.
Often this is the result of a move or change of owner, which the cat can hardly endure.
Any change in a cat’s discharge should be cause for concern, even if it is not caused by a disease. Problems with malnutrition or stress will eventually lead to the development of the disease, and this should not be allowed.
Associated symptoms
When an unpleasant smell of urine appears, which differs from the usual, the following symptoms are most often noted:
When overheated, a cat breathes with its mouth open like a dog, which is completely unusual for these creatures.
Dryness in the nose, hot ears, changes in the condition of the mucous membranes also indicate dehydration.
The release of sex hormones during the rut is accompanied by typical signs: the cat or cat is restless; their pupils are dilated, they scream, they rub against various objects, they often want to run away from home, they are especially active at night.
With improper nutrition, not only an unpleasant smell of urine often occurs, but also a stench from the cat’s mouth appears, obesity develops, problems with stools, untidiness and lethargy.
The kidneys and urinary system are accompanied by pain and pain when urinating, urine drop by drop, frequent visits to the toilet, increased thirst, inflammation of the external genital organs, and in severe cases, apathy and decreased appetite.
Tumors and endocrine disorders may not manifest themselves outwardly for a long time. Diabetes can be accompanied by intense thirst, obesity, and then a sharp weight loss, with tumors, the behavior of the animal changes, nausea and vomiting may appear.
When stressed, the cat tends to hide under the bed, sofa, closet, any secluded place. Her eyes are wide; it may tremble or shrink into a ball.
An attentive owner will immediately catch signs of danger and take the pet to a veterinary clinic.
Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic
In order to get accurate data, the cat will have to take blood and urine tests, undergo ultrasound and x-rays. Based on the examination, questioning the owner and the received documentary data, the veterinarian will make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Method of treatment and prognosis
The treatment is always prescribed by the veterinarian after receiving the diagnosis, as there are many reasons for a change in smell. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factor”started” the change in smell.
Any disease is treated only by an experienced veterinarian after an accurate diagnosis. Treatment depends on the type of disease, it can be surgical or conservative (medication).
The main thing that a cat owner can and should do is to provide her with good care, warmth and love. Attempts to treat it yourself and “prescribing” human medicines can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the pet and even to his death. The owner must follow the instructions of the veterinarian exactly.
Depending on which organ is affected, complications can occur with a feline disease. The most dangerous consequences of urolithiasis: blockage of the ureter or urethra, damage to the bladder, kidney failure.
Prevention measures (diet)
It is important to properly feed the cat, not to give him pieces from your table, especially sausage, smoked meats, fried, salty. His diet should not be monotonous; you need to choose high-quality food, because saving on health will certainly lead to a problem.
Attention to animals, to the slightest changes in their behavior and timely contact with the veterinarian will help to avoid pet health problems.