Medical emergencies can happen anytime, and you need to know how to react to them. When someone is having a stroke, time is a crucial factor. You need to know what to do, and you need to act quickly to save a life.
Many people don’t know how to act or how to respond when someone is having a stroke.
Below, there are a few ideas of things you can do when someone is having a stroke.
Remain Calm
When you are near a person having a stroke, the first thing you need to do is calm down. There may be cause for panic, but it’s much easier to communicate with the person and 911 when you’re calm and clear-headed.
Everything else should easily follow. Some of the symptoms that you need to note and communicate to the paramedics include the following:
- Splitting headache
- Facial drooping in half the face
- Dizziness
- Weakness in one leg and arm
- Slurred speech
Also, remember to highlight when you started to notice any of the above symptoms in the stroke victim.
Call 911
The next thing you need to do is call 911. You need help from the paramedics to come in quickly, so as soon as you notice a sign of a stroke in someone, you need to alert emergency services.
One of the biggest mistakes most people make when someone is having a stroke around them is trying to drive them to the hospital. You’re likely not to get there on time, as the ambulance may arrive at your location quicker.
Another reason to call 911 is that the patient may need qualified help from trained medical professionals, and paramedics can offer that. They can also walk you through various steps you need to take before they get there.
Track the Symptoms
Remember to be calm as you await the arrival of the paramedics. While waiting, you need to note the patient’s various symptoms. This will be crucial should the patient get to the hospital when they can’t speak due to slurred speech. It will be up to you to give the hospital as much information as possible.
Ideally, it would help to keep a written note of all the symptoms you notice. It would also help to record when the symptom began, as these details can help save the person and make medical attention much more effective.
Also, if you have prior knowledge of any medical condition in the stroke victim, you should share this with the paramedics and the doctor at the hospital. A preexisting medical condition may be one of the risk factors or causes of stroke.
Ask the Person to Lie Down
You want to ask a stroke victim to lie down on their side with their head elevated when they’re having a stroke. The position will help blood flow to the brain and minimize the damage. If the patient is on the ground, don’t move them.
Ensure that all restrictive clothes have been removed or loosened, depending on the situation. When a person has a stroke, the flow of blood to the brain has been stopped for various reasons, and you don’t want clothes bringing in more issues.
Perform CPR
If the person has fallen, you need to ensure they are still breathing. If they aren’t, you need to perform CPR on them. Remember, not all people having a stroke need CPR, so do a quick check before performing CPR on the person.
You need to check the pulse, and if you can’t feel it, start CPR immediately. Another reason you need to call 911 is if you don’t know how to perform CPR, as they can help you in this situation. The operator will walk you through the whole CPR process.
Talk to the Patient
As you wait for the ambulance to arrive, you need to talk to the stroke victim. Some stroke victims may be unable to speak coherently, but if the victim is still alert, you need to consistently communicate with them. Here, the idea is to get as much information about the patient while they’re still responsive. Ask about prior medical conditions and what medications they are taking if you don’t know already.
Every bit of information you can get from the person will be crucial to the doctors. Also, seek to find out about any allergies they may have. It’s also vital to keep them talking and reassure them that help is coming.
Every minute counts when someone has a stroke, and you need to react quickly to prevent any significant damage or even death. Knowing how to act in such a situation is a huge advantage, and the tips listed above are some of the things you can do. You may end up saving a life, as strokes can be fatal if not tended to on time.