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What Are The Risks Involved in Futures Trading?

What are futures? 

A futures contract is an agreement between buyer and seller to purchase and sell an instrument at a pre-decided price at a future date. An asset can be soybeans, oil, coffee, ETFs, individual stocks, cryptocurrency, and so many other assets. Generally, Futures contracts trade on an exchange; when the buyer agrees to purchase a given commodity, and the seller provides delivery at the pre-decided date. The seller should agree to provide a number of products as per the contract. 

The various types of financial institutions should utilise the futures contract, such as investors, traders, and speculators. Additionally, some companies also participate in it that generally want to receive physical delivery of the commodities or supplied it. It may also involve a number of different assets. Coffee, for instance, is a commodity that can be easily traded at a predefined date in future. S&P 500 is an example of stock future investing. Check here does the future can become a part of your portfolio. 

As with every other type of investing, futures trading can be risky, so you should never believe anyone who says otherwise, but if you learn about the ins and outs of futures trading, you might find that you can make a large profit that makes the risks something worth dealing with.

Maybe you’re wondering what it is that makes futures trading so risky. If you are, then you’re not alone, but in order to decide if futures trading is right for you, you should know why this type of trading is so risky and identify if this is something you can feel comfortable with.

Considerations on Futures Trading

The speculative nature of futures trading makes it risky. No matter what experts are predicting will happen months or years from now, nobody can exactly say what will happen. So, if you’re thinking of investing in financial trades, it’s important to diversify so you can minimize your risk.

In order for you to embark on futures trading, you should have funds that you can designate as “pure risk capital”. Meaning that if you don’t have money in your account that you can afford to lose, then you should not trade. Don’t use money that you should be using to pay your mortgage or feed your family or you could be in trouble. However, if you do have this type of money to risk and just want to build your fortune, then this might be something for you to consider.

You have to know what you’re doing or you could lose everything you have put into your account. There are four categories to futures trading including speculation, growth, inflation hedges and income. If you don’t know about these categories, you won’t be able to move around in the trading market, which could cause you to suffer losses.

Never put more than 10% of your net worth on futures, because it’s risky. Futures trading should be something that you do when you have money to burn, so putting more than 10% of your net worth on something so risky can be, well…risky.

You shouldn’t see any “negatives” that you learn about futures trading as a form of discouragement, but you also need to know that there are too many people who put the money they cannot afford to lose in this market and wind up not only broke but just plain poor.

You want to avoid having something like this happen to you at all costs, so it’s important to make sure that you are educated about how to trade in futures markets and educate yourself about all the risks which you might be facing when you enter into this market.

Futures trading is exciting and can be profitable, but it is not trading for beginners, so if you’re just starting out, you may want to consider finding a less volatile market to start with or learn by the pros and trade with knowledge.


Futures contracts are an agreement between buyer and seller for chasing and selling goods at predefined dates on predetermined prices. The futures contract will be traded in the future market. Collect complete details about the futures market from this article. Learn how the future market works and the advantages of the futures contracts. 

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