Weight Lost: 46 Pounds in 6 Weeks aka Over 7lbs this Week!

After 6 weeks on the medically assisted weightless program 46 Pounds in 6 Weeks aka Over 7lbs this Week! JumpStart medicine with Dr. Sean Bourke, I have lost 46 pounds in 45 days (just over a pound a day… Wow!) I highly recommed Jumpstart. drow names
I have a special offer for anyone in wanting to try Jumpstart in Redwood City or Mountain View: $25 off your first visit (just print it and bring it to your appointment). This week I lost 7.1 pounds and I am ecstatic to have achieved 109.2% of my goal.
I have been feeling great,
but the larger dose of Phentermine caused me to get light headed nearly to the point of passing out several time this week. (In addition to Phentermine,
I have a weekly Methionine, Inositol, and Choline (MIC) Injection and daily I take Chromium, a multivitamin, B6 and B12 supplements.)
I have decided I wanted to reduce the dose of Phentermine back to 30 mg (from 37mg). 46 Pounds in 6 Weeks aka Over 7lbs this Week!
I had much less trouble with portion control on the higher dose, but the risk of passing out and falling is not worth it… I am 6’10” and that is a long way to fall.
Having over-achieved my goal of 6.5 pounds (the previous goal was set to 6.5 to make up for missing a 5 pound weekly goal several weeks ago.) I am setting a more modest goal this week of 5.4 pounds.

Why 5.4?
My weight at this weight was 344.4, so if I succeed I will weigh an even 339. Here’s to a great week in the past and a great week upcoming. 46 Pounds in 6 Weeks aka Over 7lbs this Week!
Here is a graph of my weight loss (if you are reading this in the future this graph will have updated for future weigh ins as well)… Clicking the image will open to a larger image.
I didn’t get a chance to work out as much as I would have liked because of work consideration… I didn’t swim, play volleyball, or golf this week. I did play basketball twice and go on several walks…
I am going to try and get to the gym for volleyball
or basketball 5 times this week, I plan on playing (walking carrying my golf bag) at least 1 round of golf, and I would like to swim more than a few laps.
I plan to continue trying to eat
less fat free cheese and more lean protein. I have been getting my dairy with a double tall non-fat no-foam latte from Starbucks. I have not tried to stop my intake of caffeine, but my consumption of caffeine is drastically curtailed from where it was. (I need that morning java and coffee with skim milk just isn’t the same.)
Good luck to all that are working on losing the weight…
Read More : getloadedinthepark