Hi! Does it ever ring in your mind why you are safe underneath your house? How about when you used to go to school? Or — when you try to squeeze errands during breaks inside whatever work facility you may be? Whether you had or the other way, you are in for a treat. It is because this fifteen-minute read article will provide an introduction to the literal pillars of industrialization.
If you have an eye for investing in quality daily use products, it is important to also do the same thing for engineers and architects; to eyeing cost-effective steel for buildings and other infrastructures. The protagonist, steel structure, refers to metal anatomy that is made of structural steel components built into providing rigidity (ATAD, n.d.). One has to keep in mind that an excellent steel structure equates to a lasting shell that will protect millions of lives.
I want to use quality steel for my house, then where should I head onto?
It is not where you should messily head onto, but you should help get ideas first on what structural steel types you will be needing. You do not have to take a degree related to construction if you merely need to help familiarize yourself with certain types and their functions — especially if you are not completely interested in these talks. However, it is a must to hire those that have taken the degrees and are fully qualified to help plan and build your house.
Both Filipino YouTube content creators Architect Oliver Austria and Engr. Slater Young, best known as “Pinoy Architect” and “Pinoy Engineer” have been frequent in using terms like “I-beam”, “T-Angle”, “connection” and more.
But, what are these exactly? The mentioned are two steel structural shapes and “connection” refers to one of their functions.
Why should I choose steel structures anyway?
The use of steel in construction and engineering has been around for many, many years. It has been the pillar through which lots of modern day structures are built from, and for good reasons. Safety is the primary one among them. Steel can withstand harsh conditions like typhoons and earthquakes, perfect for many of society’s infrastructure. This characteristic is not limited to the actual use of the end product (houses, buildings) but to the on-site construction as well. Steel structures are manufactured offsite so construction workers need only assemble them, making the work fast and easy and cementing steel’s status as one of the safest material choices.
Another characteristic to keep in mind is its low price. Steel structure projects are inexpensive and easy to maintain, making it a viable choice for budget-friendly construction jobs. Aside from these factors, steel is also flexible, sustainable, and robust (its benefits are endless!), so if you’re looking for a strong and cost-effective material for construction, then steel might just be the one for you.
Then, what are the specific structural steel types?
There is not just one type of structural steel. Structural steel types mostly vary on the needs of application or function, shapes, and grades. To be specific, structural steels are classified into shapes. Carefully taking into the function’s accordance, it could be shaped as “I,”, “T”, “C” and many more.
On the other hand, in the construction industry, “grade” is a term used in determining the level of the earth at a specific point. It is also used to respectively describe an infrastructure’s portion whether if it is created “above ground” or “below ground”. Thus, it is also very crucial to digest the importance of grades in affecting the mechanical properties of any particular project.
Due to the flexibility of structural steels, they can be transformed into rods, beams, plates, bars, etc. The standard structural sheet materials are “Carbon Steels”, “High Strength Low Alloy Steels”, “Forged Steels”, and “Quenched Tempered Alloy Steels”.
Carbon Steels are mainly used for structural pipe or tubing. Steels can be classified as made up of carbon if adding alloys are not required and copper does not exceed 0.4%. It is generally acknowledged for its carbon content. While High Strength Low Alloy Steels are purposely made to fight against corrosion and are made for structural shapes and plates. Forges Steels lessens discontinuity and adds strength. Lastly, Quenched Tempered Alloy Steels have undergone the treatments describing its name.
Steel structures are everywhere. It can be seen in every corner – when you go out for work, when you look out your car, maybe even from your view out the window. Its long existence is a testament to its versatility and durability, among its many other benefits. Whatever construction project you have in mind – whether it’s a small house or the next Eiffel Tower, you may want to keep the use of steel structures in mind.