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Top 5 Gravity Forms Add-Ons for WordPress Users

The Top Add-Ons for the Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin

Gravity Forms plugins and extensions allow WordPress developers to convert their typical forms into modern forms in simple steps. In short, the right plugin can help you build professional and advanced forms for your WordPress website. Plugins bring additional features to Gravity Forms. You can integrate them to pay online, enable users to create new accounts, perform surveys, produce PDF files, and more.

Even though Gravity Forms is available with unorthodox functions, many extensions or plugins are available, making it a more valuable and adaptable plugin for WordPress. The default installation of this marketable plugin can support various conditional logic and gravity forms add-ons.

It creates a new shape, and it is very good. But its function goes far beyond your typical contact form. The developer license of Gravity Forms contains all authorized addons. Yet, if you have a business or personal requirement, you can be enhanced at any time to access all official addons.

This is very influential in itself. Though, by adding many additional plugins available, you have unlimited possibilities. Gravity Forms itself provides a series of addons, and third-party developers have created their extensions.

Today, we will present you with some freemium and premium addons that will help transform Gravity Forms, including your website, into a powerful tool with rich features. For more web development tips check here.


If you are looking for a complete payment solution for wordpress website, Pay with Square In Gravity Forms is a leading plugin to cater the need of regular and recurring payments. Modernize your form with this plugin and get some of the most incredible and advanced features that you have never been experiencing before.

Simple and recurring payment option, customization of subscription cycle, and renewal settings save the card to file function, transaction history, email notification, multiple Square accounts connected to different Gravity Forms, etc.



The important thing to recognize about Gravity Perks is that it is not a single addon. This is a Gravity Forms plugin package with more than thirty addons. Each plugin can be used as a separate plugin, which means you can download the plugins you need without disturbing redundant plugins. There are various features here, such as restrictive the number of entries and multiple-choice selections, adding word counts to new fields, being able to send emails to everyone who sends a specific form, and many Gravity Perks, you can do some cool things, such as:



GravityView compiles your form-based information on the front end of your website. For example, if users register for an account through it, you can use this plugin to enable them to edit their profile data. GravityView has verified and is an unbelievably valuable extension with Gravity Forms functionality. Simultaneously uses WP and GravityView to build your personalized content management system (CMS) from zero. It is ideal for complex projects where you need to show big insights. Differently, GravityView is an important addon to Gravity Forms, and you can trust and build your business on it.



Want to get more detailed information about how your forms are executed? Event Tracking for Gravity Forms links events to Google Analytics and other similar programs in various ways. The result is that you can track conversions more easily. As a bonus, many useful videos are demonstrating how to set it up.

This Gravity Forms plugin makes your life easy and enhances your website’s capacity with event tracking to your Gravity Forms powered by Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and more. In addition, you can configure conditional logic for various events, track form paging, create event categories, actions, labels, and custom values. Use measurement protocol, JavaScript, or Google Tag Manager to send events to Google Analytics.



Gravity PDF is a simple but very useful Gravity Forms plugin. The plugin comes with an amazing set of PDF generation features, and you may wonder why it can be started for free. With Gravity PDF, you can automatically generate downloadable PDF files and send them via email. Whether you want to send invoices, contracts, business letters, or other types of PDFs based on form submissions, Gravity PDF can help you improve your form experience.



Gravity Forms is already one of the best premium plugins for WordPress, with more than 900,000 installations. By installing some of these free and advanced plugins, you can better meet your needs. There were many limited possibilities before these addons, but now there are more ways to use them on your website. It will also help your website to attract more users and gain relevant traffic!

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