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Top 10 things to do before starting the IB

Are you about to start with the IB in the coming year? I’m sure you’re feeling nervous. With all the myths and myths that surround this IB Diploma it’s rare to discover a single group of Pre IB students who don’t even have a smidgen of anxiety on their faces. Maybe it’s an exaggeration. However, at Lanterna we experienced all of the same feelings you’re feeling prior to completing the process of completing our Diplomas. But the thing is, there are many reasons to be excited about the IB as well. It is important to be ready & they also give the  Ib internal assessment. With all of that in mind, we’ve put together the top 10 suggestions on the best way you can prepare yourself for IB!

1. Check your IB subjects

If you’ve already decided on your subject Take some time to consider the impact of your work next year. What are the subjects you believe you’ll struggle with? Which subject do you think you will need to pay attention to during the classroom? If you’re taking on a new topic, make sure to take your time to familiarize yourself with the way it functions. It is important to keep in mind that everyone has their own difficulties within the IB and each has their own strengths. Most importantly there is no way that an IB student has it easy. Being aware of what is expected will help make the next year’s transition much more manageable. For this attempt to anticipate:

  • Your hardest subject.
  • Your most-loved subject.

2. Learn about the new subjects

If you’re preparing to start an entirely new topic that hasn’t been done before, you should do some study! Learn more about what the subject is about and the kinds of subjects you’ll be studying. Do not worry about the particular IB syllabus but instead concentrate on the things you’re most interested in. Examples:

Psychology Read blogs such as We’re only Human that includes a variety of interesting articles on the strangeness of human nature.

Business & Management You can pay focus to the business section in the local paper

The Global Political System A quick search through Google will reveal plenty of diverse web pages that you can begin digging into. Remember that each will have its own unique slant and viewpoint.

Economic – and while the Economist has a focus on business and politics too It’s a good starting point if you would like to know more. It is also possible to begin with the basic concepts on this page.

Philosophy Try to listen in on this Oxford University podcast, Philosophy for Beginners

3. Keep up the English

If English isn’t your first language, it is essential to do everything you can to improve your English skills prior to completing the IB. You can read your favorite book in English or go to English as well as American films without subtitles, or ask your friends to speak at you exclusively in English at specific hours during the day!

4. Keep up the Language IB

As with English as well, it’s essential to ensure you’re using your language as a alternative during summer vacation. The best way to improve your language proficiency is to dedicate efforts and energy into learning it. If you’re not planning to travel and conversing in a place in which the languages are spoken (which is an amazing experience if you are able to acquire it!) you’re unlikely to learn anything unless you are committed to it. Discover ways of getting interested in the language whether it’s by watching an Spanish television show or cooking from recipes written in French. For ideas, take an eye on the twins who learned to teach themselves Turkish in just 7 days!

5. Explore extracurricular activities

The IB isn’t all about academic aspects! The entire point of CAS is the IB requires you to engage in things outside of the confines of your classroom. Make this summer an opportunity to test innovative activities that may be fun CAS projects in the coming year. Take on the task you’ve always thought about but didn’t get around to trying & IB also provides the extended essay writing service to the students which makes them perfect.You may just be the next great circus performer, or discover you’re destined to create an animal sanctuary. As a bonus If you let us know the story of your CAS project in the coming year, you could be awarded a grant for the Lanterna Mid-IB Summer Course!

6. Learn your strengths as a student

Take a look at your study practices. Are they effective? Bad? Would you suggest them to your friend? Most of us don’t pick our academic or work routines and we just stumble into them on accident. This could be risky since it means that we are doing things that are simple or easy and not the optimal.
This is the perfect moment to determine what your study habits will work best for you. If you’re unable to meet deadlines due to the fact that you work at the final minute and then you find yourself running out of time you must complete work on the day you’ve been given rather than the date prior to when the due date. If you’re always snoring when you’re done with your homework, you should start working earlier. Try changing the space where you work to determine what you prefer to do in public (say in a cafe or library) is more productive than working in your bedroom. I can assure you that if you figure out the best way to work, you’ll be miles ahead of the majority of students who have started the IB.


7. Make sure you practice getting organized

If you’ve been struggling to stay organized or you’re always discovering your Math notes scattered around your sock drawers, now is the perfect time to change this. It’s not difficult to think that being chaotic is something that is as integral to your personality as whether you prefer crunchy or smooth peanut butter. But the reality is that it’s much more manageable than the latter. Do not try to alter your habits in one day, but start by focusing on the small things. Get a file folder and practice placing your notes inside with no folds and in order of chronological, throughout the year. Install an To-do-list app and begin using every day for two weeks. Organization is among the most important skills to master in the IB and a little practice now can make the process much simpler next year.

8. Do not believe the IB Rumours about the IB.

I discussed the rumours, rumors and myths about the IB in the beginning of this blog. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that none of the stories are real. They are, in fact, all falsehoods. You can enjoy a life of social interaction and explore your personal passions, as well as enjoy the last two years of high school! It will be so you remain organized and remain at the top of your game. It’s not difficult but it does require some effort. Don’t let the rumors about the difficulty of a subject make you feel hesitant. Sure, HL Math is not easy for those struggling with Math However, if like it, would like to understand more and excel at it, then it’s probably the right option for you.

9. Find support

If, on the other hand, you’re anxious about a specific area or about the work generally, remember that assistance is always in the near future. Take advantage of the last few weeks of school to speak to your teachers regarding your subjects. Ask them for advice on ways to improve your academic performance throughout the summer. A little more reading or regular practice in a subject could make a huge difference. Sometimes, a little coaching and the IB preparation course is the solution to get that extra bit of guidance and confidence that will assist you in navigating that initial year in your IB with flying colors.

10. Begin with a smile and be excited to begin the IB!

The last thing to do is be enthusiastic! The IB is amazing. It’s not just an excellent means to reach an final goal (remember how many universities around the globe are in love with IB) IB?) But it is also a means to improve your skills, knowledge and experiences. Participate in the course and you’ll be successful away!

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