
Tooth Capping kit

Tooth Capping kit

The tooth-cap, commonly known as a ‘teeth crown’, is a vigorous dental treatment carried out by a dental professional. This common form of dental procedure is used for a variety of dental issues, including chipped or broken teeth, severe discolouration and to help support dental bridges (see our dental bonding kit for the best in a tooth repair kit) or dentures. Having a tooth cap is permanent and irreversible.

Need of tooth cap

tooth capping kit is designed to help patients with a small amount of remaining decay prevent further damage. Patients need to remove plaque build up and the cap allows them to do this. Tooth caps come in two sizes, large and small. Small caps are ideal for kids while adults can use the larger ones.

How it works

As for the materials you’ll need to build the cap, a typical toothbrush cover might be too flimsy. I used a thick plastic plate from a food container that I cut into strips. I then covered the plate with duct tape, creating a soft, flexible piece that didn’t feel like it was going to tear apart. For the toothpaste tubes, I used a clear plastic container I already had lying around the house. You could even use a milk container, if you want to save a little cash.

When tooth caps aren’t a solution for tooth decay, they’re often considered a replacement. They may not be the only treatment for a tooth problem, but they’re typically a safe and effective way to prevent and treat the problem for the majority of people. But just because tooth caps are safe and effective doesn’t mean they should be used as a primary treatment for all types of tooth decay, says Dr. Durbin. There’s no reason why someone should need to replace a healthy tooth if the decayed portion is small. But if there’s any question about whether tooth caps are suitable, or if they’re being used inappropriately, the first step is to rule out other treatments first. Then, and only then, can we recommend a cap.

Types of Tooth caps available

Here is a list of the types of dental caps to choose from;

Metal Crowns

One of the more common and affordable forms of tooth cap is the metal crown. Strong enough to withstand bite force, metal crowns are seen as the more sustainable permanent crown option over porcelain crowns. However, due to their metallic nature, the metal crown is unsightly and obvious when smiling and can make the tooth look black in appearance. You can also speak to us for what crowns provide or crown costs.

All ceramic or all porcelain Caps

The less sustainable of caps, yet more visually appealing is the porcelain cap. Tooth-like in appearance, the porcelain cap will blend in more naturally with the surrounding teeth. However, the porcelain crown is far more susceptible to breakage.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal Cap

A mixed hybrid version of the porcelain cap and the traditional metal cap, the porcelain-fused-to-metal cap is a becoming a more popular choice in the dental cosmetic industry as it provides the natural look of a normal tooth and the sustainability of a metal tooth.

However, as the outer shell of the cap is porcelain, the black inside of the cap can be seen when the porcelain chips away. Dentists will often dismiss this issue as they will deem the task un-important.

Temporary Crown

Usually a temporary dental crown are provided to patients whilst their permanent crown is being designed in a dental laboratory. These crowns are not a long term and sustainable solution as the cap is made from an acrylic based material.

Caps choice for front teeth

It is possible to have a front tooth cap, however it is important that you are happy with the current color of your other natural teeth. When the dentist sends your tooth cap off to be made, they will take the shade of your surrounding natural teeth so that the cap doesn’t look out of place in your smile.

This is great but be warned, once the bright white shade is chosen, there is no way of changing as the tooth cap will be resistant to teeth whitening products. So for example, if your current set has a natural stain shade, then your new tooth cap will also have the same shade. If you get your teeth whitened, your crown will still have that stained shade whilst your natural teeth have a pearly white glow.

Dental Glue: Fixing Loose, Chipped and Broken Teeth

It is easy to assume that you are never going to encounter a real dental emergency that requires dental glue.

After all, you are doing everything that you can to take good care of your teeth—cleaning them twice a day, being careful of what you bite into, flossing regularly and visiting a dentist every now and then.

However, if you have ever experienced a broken tooth and required dental restoration, it may have been tempting to simply glue the tooth back together with your everyday craft glue. This is definitely not something you should do!

There is actually a special kind of glue for teeth, which goes by the name of dental glue (or dental cement), and is used by dentists to help restore broken teeth and prevent further damage.

So what is dental glue? What is it made of and how does it help with a dental repair? Keep reading to find out!

What is dental glue?

Dental glue, also known as dental cement, tooth glue, or tooth crown glue, is used by dentists for securing a dental implant or restoration (a fixed bridge, inlay, onlay, or crown) to your damaged teeth.

It can be purchased over the counter, but in this case, it is only meant for very temporary treatment.

Dental cements possess unique chemical features that aid in achieving their purpose: to ensure that the carefully crafted dental restorations stay exactly where they should be—in your mouth.


In conclusion, a tooth capping kit is a basic toolkit for dental professionals who are interested in using crowns in their practice. It provides instructions, illustrations and materials for performing crowns, and it includes a guide for the dentist.

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