Tips to Create a Contactless Workspace
Several states and countries have gradually started to lift up the restrictions on working professionals from IT companies.
For sure, we still have to start living with the new normal of sanitizing ourselves each and every time. This certainly means the fact that once we start working again from our workspaces and our offices, there needs to be a lot of changes to create a contactless workspace. Some of the coworking space in Nagpur have already started to establish a contactless workspace experience for the members to ensure safety throughout.
Furthermore, keeping in mind all sanitation and cleanliness amenities, a contactless workspace needs to be created to ensure the proper safety and functioning of members and employees. But how to exactly create a contactless workspace? What are the best tips and methods required to create a contactless workspace?
As of now, we all have been working from home. We might be still working from home at least for the next few months. But sooner or later we have to come back to the normal of walking back again from our offices.
Keep reading this article until the end so as to know some of the best tips that can help you to create a contactless workspace experience for your members as well as your users.
Use Inanimate Objects for A Contactless Workspace
Most of the genetic tech companies are located in skyscrapers. Crowded elevators were an integral part of reaching our workspaces. However now we need to establish a contactless workspace by avoiding crowded elevators and implementing proper sanitization techniques.
Allow only a few numbers of people inside elevators. Try to operate it with a minimum number of people maintaining all social distancing guidelines and operating it batch-wise.
One of the best tips to establish and create a contactless workspace would be to use an inanimate object to press the elevator buttons. This will certainly help you to avoid any physical touch with the elevator buttons.
Surprisingly, people have already started to use such inanimate objects to avoid physical touch wherever possible. However, you should always sanitize your hand as soon as you touch any physical surface.
Installation of Automated Doors In Your Workspace
Installation of automated doors in your workspace should be your topmost priority before your members start joining back. Automated doors will enhance the contactless experience of your workspace. Right now, we all have only one single aim, to avoid physical contact with surfaces as much as possible.
Contactless technology should be enhanced and increased in coworking spaces. Top coworking space in Lower Parel has already established contactless technology such as contactless payments as their integral part.
Start Contactless Payments in Canteens and Cafeteria
As we saw above, contactless technology and contactless payment should also be your priority in establishing a contactless workspace. Your members might have a huge concern in purchasing food items during their lunchtime from the cafeteria or public places like canteens.
To avoid such types of scenarios, contactless payment should be established to its 100%. Try to avoid cash payments as much as possible to avoid any physical touch or contact. With the help of contactless payments, you can easily track your expenses as well as your savings digitally.
Luckily as a tip, there are several digital platforms and mobile applications available providing you with great offers and saving opportunities. By using their mobile applications for digital payments. You should take advantage of such offers and benefits to enhance the contactless payment system.
Increase the takeaways of your meal and avoid consuming food in a crowded place or a closely situated seating area.
A Contactless Workspace Should Encourage Online Bookings
Remember the old times when business is used to document and everything on a piece of paper? However, this definitely should not be the case today. Try to move your workspace as digital as possible.
Tasks such as data analysis, data entry, and all related stuff can be easily handled with the help of various available digital platforms. Create a virtual panel that can help you to digitally manage and monitor each and every ongoing task.
This surely would reduce your movement around your office enhancing a contactless workspace experience. With the help of virtual panels, meetings can be scheduled online, bookings for conference rooms as well as meeting rooms can also be done online.
Avoid Handshakes and Touching Surfaces
To create a contactless workspace experience, once your members start joining back, provide a proper measures and guidelines they need to follow. Avoiding handshakes and touching surfaces unnecessarily should be the topmost priority.
One of the best tips to create a contactless workforce experience would be to create a document or guidelines PDF. Circulate it around your workspace so that people are aware of how they should behave once inside the workspace.
The Contactless Workspace Also Involves Proper Social Distancing
We have been under a strict lockdown period for the past three to four months. In addition to this, several social distancing guidelines were issued by the topmost health industries across the world. As well as the World Health Organization.
The Government of India, as well as the Ministry of Health, has also issued the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and social distancing guidelines. Businesses and officers must follow these Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and social distancing guidelines in order to reopen their working spaces.
Even if the restrictions have been eased down, the social distancing guidelines should be followed to keep yourself safeguarded.
Our Voice to Create A Contactless Workspace
We have to start living with the guidelines provided. Sanitizing ourselves and avoiding unnecessary physical contact and touches is what we should always do. keeping our surroundings and environment as clean as possible.
In the first few times, it might feel impossible to live with such strict guidelines. However, with regular and proper sanitizing techniques and maintaining social distancing guidelines your coworking space can establish a proper contactless experience. And start running back on track again.