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Things Needed To Know Before You Start Freelancing

income funnel from freelancing

In today’s digital age freelancing has become one of the main online earning sources. At first, it was mainly popular among teens as a good way to earn some extra cash. It was like a part-time job. But in some cases, it’s seen that some freelancing jobs are replacing your full-time jobs because of current technological advancement there is a lot of opportunities to earn money online. Some gigs even pay more than your regular job. 

Seeing such cases many people jump into the world of freelance expecting to earn big. Without even knowing what it is, which leads there starting to be very shaky. Although they might succeed it takes a long time and some quit in the middle because of no development.

Now you are thinking is it that hard? Well, it is yes and no. We are afraid of the dark because can’t see what’s ahead but if their light we can be more at ease. Cause we know what’s there and even if we don’t look at it we can figure something out.

Freelancing isn’t just a single job where only work for a company and have an official post. It’s a job where you just loan out your set of skills to the people that need it and get paid for it. You are not bound by any title or policy you just have to do your assigned task and you get paid for it.

But how do you get the work? Well, for that there are various channels and methods like Upwork, Patreon, Streaming Plug, and many more. Some of them are new some of them are old but the main point is that you can connect to people who need your skills and get paid for helping them with their work.


Before you begin here are some of the things that you should do before you start freelancing so that you don’t go astray.

#Know thyself

You can never start or hope to accomplish anything without knowing your own limits and capabilities. At present, there are a lot of online freelancing jobs available online but not every job is for you. So it’s best that first look up your skills and see what you are good at. It will not benefit you to look for jobs that can help you quick money, it’s best to choose jobs that you can excel in. If you are good at video edit you should apply for jobs related to this field not a job like software development because it gives you more money but you don’t have the slightest knowledge about it.

#Have patience

There are no shortcuts to success. Those who climb to the top tend to fall very easily. But those who reach the pick after clearing all obstacles only can stay.

The same can be said for freelancing it’s impossible to get rich overnight doing it. But if you give it time and do your work diligently you will eventually do well. But if you think of the back door let me warn you that you will definitely regret it.

For example, we know that where’s there’s a more earning job there’s competition. When looking for a gig you will see that for an even job there are many people who apply for it who have a high-level port and only a handful can get it. And since you don’t have a high-level portfolio, even if you have skills chances of you getting a job at the beginning is quite slim. But if you have patience and apply for various jobs then someone will accept you and if they are impressed they will recommend you which will increase the credibility of your profile and help you when applying for more jobs in the future.

On the other hand, if you work for some that got the job to make a quick buck not only it will not enhance your profile but also make you dependent.

#Chose wisely

Always have a work ethic and don’t take every job you are offered or you see. Some might look easy and pay high but it is best to read the documents clearly. Cause if only work for projects that anyone can do then even if you get a good rating or recommendation it will not do you any good when applying for jobs in your field.

And in some cases, you can even come across jobs that are easy but have to do with illegal activity. Like, suppose you are a software engineer and you came across a job that required you to find the problems and weak spots of software and you are being offered more than the market price for such a job. But if you think about it why would someone pay double? Well, there are two possibilities. Either he doesn’t know the price or the software is someone else’s and he wants you to find out its weakness. Which can lead to serious problems so it’s to investigate and carefully look up every job you apply for.

#Be confident and true to your clients

In online freelancing, most of the clients you will work for are foreign so trust and your attitude are your biggest key when you called for an online interview while trying to score a job.

And besides, if you have no confidence in yourself then how do expect the other party to trust you with their work.

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