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What is the popular nail color for 2021; it will be an exciting time for lovers of all nail varnishes. What color nails do men like, what colors will your friends and family think are “hip?” What is the most flattering nail color for you nail coloring trends come and go. In the past, pale nail polish was all the rage. Now the hottest nail polish color is a bright, sunny hue. This season’s color is hot. “Bay” and “Cherry” are two of the hottest nail varnishes on the market. Before you head out to the salon and shell out a few bucks, keep these handy tips in mind. The nail polish of choice for young, hip men were black. Now that nail polish of all hues is really popping, a lot of men are experimenting with new shades.

What is the most popular nail color for men? That’s a trickier question than you might think. While the most popular nail colors for both men and women are generally in the purplish or brownish colors, if you choose a manly color like black, you might risk looking funny and masculine (and too masculine for your tastes). Instead, choose a lighter shade of color that is still fun and looks good on him.

What is the most popular nail color for men? If you think you’d be daring and choose something like red, you might want to reconsider that idea. While red is a great color to use when you are trying to make a statement, it will turn people off if you decide to keep your nails brown or light. Instead, consider choosing a nail polish shade that is darker and use some creative nail art ornaments to round out your look. Nail art that combines the designs of two different nail polish colors is the most popular option.

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