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Semen Analysis Test – All You Need to Know


A semen analysis test or male infertility test is undertaken to know the strength of a man’s sperm. Infertile couples also have to undergo a semen analysis test – an important fertility test before any prescribing any medicines.

Also known as the sperm count test, the semen analysis test involves many other results and is not just a normal sperm count test. Often men feel nervous and anxious about undergoing the test and waiting for the results, then after.

Here’s everything about the semen analysis test that you must know.

What Does a Semen Analysis Test Entail? 

You can refer to the test of sperm and semen as sperm analysis. The results of a sperm count indicate how many sperm get released, sperm movement and morphology.

On the other hand, a semen analysis test is a lab test that uses a microscope to assess a sperm sample. The semen analysis test assesses factors like sperm count, motility, and shape (morphology).

Semen is the creamy fluid that comes from a man’s penis when he ejaculates during sexual interaction. It transports sperm from the body of a man to fertilize the egg and form an embryo.

Why Do You Need a Semen Analysis? 

There could be a number of reasons why a man needs to undergo a semen analysis. The common ones are:

What are the Ways to Conduct a Semen Analysis? 

For getting your semen analysis test done, you will have to provide your doctor with a semen sample. The main ways to collect a semen sample are as follows. However, masturbation is considered a preferred method for a clean semen sample.

Sperm Count Test – Process

Healthcare providers use research-based methods of managing and evaluating sperm. If you go to a lab that deals exclusively in sperm analysis, you’ll get accurate results. Your doctor will ask for a sample of your sperm to be tested:

What Do You Need to Prepare While Undergoing a Male Fertility Test? 

For ensuring that a sample is usable, your doctor will ask you to follow some instructions to get accurate results in your test. Here are the common instructions you have to follow to get correct results:

Inform your doctor about any medicines that you are taking currently so that your doctor can give you an alternative solution for the same.

Semen Analysis Test – Result Table

Below is the healthy and normal semen analysis test result, as defined by the World Health Organization. Because results can differ from person to person, they are presented in a range.

Total sperm count in ejaculate 39–928 million
Ejaculate volume 1.5–7.6 mL
Sperm concentration 15–259 million per mL
Total motility (progressive and non-progressive) 40–81 per cent
Progressive motility 32–75 per cent
Sperm morphology 4–48 per cent


What Do the Semen Analysis Test Results Indicate? 

A lot of factors are considered when assessing sperm health using a sperm analysis test. Look below for factors and what they indicate:

What do Abnormal Test Results Suggest?

Abnormal sperm face difficulty reaching and penetrating eggs, which make conception hard. There could be several reasons for abnormal tests, some are:

Your doctor may suggest you undergo additional tests such as:

In a nutshell, evaluation is essential for a man as for a woman if the couple is having trouble conceiving. If you have been trying to conceive without protected intercourse and are unable to do so, visit Banker IVF – The Best IVF Center in Ahmedabad and get your semen analysis test done.

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