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Process of Walnut Cultivation in India with Complete Guidance

Walnut Cultivation

Process of Walnut Cultivation in India with Complete Guidance

Walnut comes under the temperate nut fruits and belongs to the “Juglandaceae” family. You can grow walnuts at a sea level of 900 to 3000 metres. Mexico, USA, China, Ukraine, Turkey and Iran are the Major walnut producers in the world. Walnuts are popularly known as “Akhrot” or “Akhroot” in India. And you can grow the walnut in the northwestern Himalayan belt and expand up to Darjeeling and Sikkim. Mainly commercial farming is done in Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh. Walnuts are available in four categories in India such as medium-shelled, paper-shelled, hard-shelled and thin-shelled. Jammu Kashmir is the highest production state of walnut in India.

Process of Walnut Farming

It is easy and simple to start commercial nut farming, just like growing other crops. Walnut plants are very hardy and strong, requiring little care and little other care. When you start growing any plant, you need to know the various essential sections which will be useful for profitable cultivation. We can provide information about the most reliable tractors in Walnut Farming. We can recommend the Mahindra 415 tractor, which aids in the entire farming process.

1. Walnut Farming – Climate Requirement

You can grow walnuts well in excellent climate conditions. For walnut growth, during the spring, frost conditions are not suitable. Walnuts are also not suitable in hot summer areas. An evenly distributed rainfall of 800 mm is suitable for its optimum yield and growth. Temperatures above 38 °C result in the burning of the hulls and shrivelled kernels in the sun and severely affect yields. 

2. Walnut Farming – Soil Requirement 

Walnuts grow well in well-draining deep silt loam or clay loam soil that is rich in humus and supplemented with lime. An Ideal soil pH of 6.0 to 7.5 will result in a good yield. Make sure the soil has good zinc and boron.

3. Walnut Farming – Land Preparation

You should prepare the land well, and you should clear the weeds. Therefore you should remove the previous crop roots. Farmers should plough the land 3-4 times to get soil tilth. 

4. Walnut Farming – Propagation 

You can propagate the walnut trees through seeds or budding or grafting methods. You do the popular propagation through seeds. Moreover, you can better use the local walnut seedlings as rootstocks.

5. Walnut Farming – Spacing and Planting

Walnut cultivation practices a square system on flat land and contour planting in areas with hilly, steep slopes. Generally, you should observe the distance between plants in the following manner.

6. Walnut Farming – Manures and Fertilisers

While preparing the soil, apply suitable well decomposed cow dung. Use the following amount of NPK to replenish the soil. During the first 5 years, apply a small amount (approximately 100 g per plant) of P&K. Thereafter, 45-80 kg/ha P and 65-100 kg/ha K should be applied. In the first year, 100 grams/tree should be increased by 100 grams per year.

7. Walnut Farming – Pruning, Training, and Thinning 

After the 1st year, you should keep training in walnut farming using the Modified Central leader system. Also, you should carry out the pruning operation in early spring. You can do the thinning operation on a high-density plantation.  

8. Walnut Farming – Intercropping

Farmers can go for intercropping in walnut cultivation to get additional income. You should use the interspace during the first 4 to 6 years after planting walnuts. In walnut cultivation, any leguminous crop or vegetables such as tomato, onion and chilli can be grown as an intercrop.

9. Walnut Farming – Irrigation

Irrigate after transplanting from the nursery of walnut plants. Subsequent You should irrigate and it depends on the soil’s moisture-holding capacity, season. Irrigation is not required during the monsoon or rainy season. In case of flood or rain, make sure to drain the water. You can adopt drip irrigation to properly utilise water and water problem areas.

10. Walnut Farming – Weed Control

You can control the weeds with proper chemical weedicide, selection of weed-free land and mulching. You can also do the manual weeding along with other preventive measures.

11. Walnut Farming – Pests and Diseases

Selecting quality disease-resistant seeds will prevent half of the pests and diseases. Contact the Horticulture/Agriculture department for local diseases and pest control measures in walnut cultivation.

12. Harvesting

Generally, walnut trees are ready for harvesting 10 to 12 years after planting. Full commercial production can be expected after 18 to 20 years from the time of planting. However, grafted seedlings start bearing fruit early (in 4 to 5 years after planting). Full commercial production in grafted plantations should start in 8 to 10 years.

13. The yield of Walnut Crop

A fully grown walnut tree produces 125 to 150 kg of nuts. However, an average of 40 to 50 kg of nuts can be obtained per 1 walnut tree. Again, the yield depends on the cultivation and also depends on farm management practices.

Health Benefits of Walnuts

1. Anti-Cancer

Walnuts can fight the risk of cancer. They provide the omega-3 fatty acids and other antioxidants that have been proven to fight cancer. Walnuts are especially beneficial for breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer.

2. Heart Healthy

Walnuts are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids such as linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. They encourage a healthy lipid supply. As a result, bad cholesterol is reduced, and the level of good cholesterol increases. They are also beneficial in controlling high blood pressure.

3. Good For Diabetes

Eating walnuts can reduce the risk of type II diabetes. They provide an excellent serving of healthy fats, protein and fibre. The benefits of reducing dietary saturated fat in favour of unsaturated fats have been known for some time and are linked to reductions in risk factors of coronary heart disease, and possibly also type 2 diabetes, by influencing insulin action.

4. Boost Metabolism

A handful of walnuts can promote a sluggish metabolism. They are full of essential fatty acids and help with digestion, growth, development and growth and other metabolic processes.

5. Anti-Inflammatory

Walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties. Many diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, rheumatism, and others are because of inflammation. Consuming walnuts every day helps in fighting with these diseases better. it is best for health.

For more information regarding walnut farming in India, Walnut Cultivation types and Walnut Cultivation benefits many more things please stay tuned with us.

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