Nutrition of the Bodybuilders – Steroids and Supplements
This article discuses regarding the diet plan of any bodybuilder, an ideal way to gain specific type of body through the adequate proportion of muscle mass and shredding fat in the form of cellulite. Different external aid taken by bodybuilders in the form of supplements and Steroids UK.
Bodybuilding is a kind of sport that comprises of strengthening and enlarging the muscles of the body through strenuous physical exercise and strength training sessions. The bodybuilders take part in multiple sports for example weight lifting, physique competitions and wrestling. Any individual who is involve in the activity of developing muscles is called a bodybuilder and the activity is bodybuilding.
To attain a specific figure of a bodybuilder a certain type of lifestyle is required. This sport dates back to ancient times so in that era the natural ways to be a bodybuilder were followed and even today they have immense importance as any other external aid can be used for a specific time period, only natural ways can be taken a long way. There are few very basic steps that have to be followed at any cost to be a bodybuilder, and they are given below:
- Proper eating habits, proper breakfasts.
- Eating after short intervals
- Protein rich food as it aids in muscle development.
- Including fruits and vegetables
- Consuming healthy fats
- Plenty of water intake to build muscle mass
- Eating whole foods rather than processed ones.
- Strength training
Natural body building is also referred to the concept where no androgenic steroids or any other drug that can have an androgenic effect in building muscles. Some competitions totally ban the use of UK steroids and some organizations have a list issued and the drugs mentioned are not allowed but other than that can be used and still considered as natural bodybuilding.
Strength training along with healthy eating is the basis of naturally building muscles and a muscular body, simple tips that can help while training are as follows:
- Hire a personal certified trainer and properly discuss your goal and concerns with him.
- Proper sleep cycle and a fixed sleep pattern with a sleep of approximately 6 hours is mandatory.
- Train with weights
- Special emphasis to multi-joint exercises
- Cardio is a must
- Keep track of the gains and progress to plan further accordingly.
Strength training is the most common and the oldest method to build muscle mass and it comprises of the anaerobic exercises and fitness training at the gym. Three basic principles that help to grow a muscle are mechanical tension, muscle damage and metabolic stress. Targeted training to build specific type and area of muscle is there and vice versa. Also known as resistance training, it comprises of physical exercises to increase the strength and endurance of the muscles, it commonly comprises of lifting weights and other different types of training techniques are also there to ensure increment in muscle mass for example isometrics and polymetric. Most recommended training exercises are as follows:
- Lunges and squats
- Deadlifts and hinges
- Pull-ups
- Dips and push-ups
- Cardio (running and brisk walking)
Along side the natural ways external aid in the form of drugs and supplements are use, two main types are:
- Anabolic-androgenic steroids
- supplements
Anabolic steroids for sale are testosterone-like hormone find in men and responsible for masculinity in the form of muscle gain and other sexual characteristics.
Anabolic steroids are use for two basic purposes for cutting and bulking, cutting is to dissolve extra fats in the body and bulking refers to preserve the lean muscle mass and also help in gaining muscles. The most common examples are:
- Anavar is highly recommend for cutting cycles.
- Winstrol is use for bulking cycles.
- Dianabol is use as a bulking agent.
- Testosterone is use as a bulking agent.
These anabolic steroids for sale UK are available in different form to serve a wide range of varieties to its consumers, most common forms are:
- Tablets or pills.
- Injections for administering the drug intra-muscularly and intra-articularly.
- Liquid preparations available in the form of syrups.
- Topical applications in the form of gels, lotions or ointments.
Basic mechanism through which they bring about their effects is that they increase protein build-up by accelerating the rate of amino-acid chains link-ups and they preserve nitrogen in the body and surplus nitrogen is readily available to be converted into proteins which is the integral part of muscles.
Like all other medicines their side effects are:
- Hormonal disturbances
- Gynecomastia
- Infertility
- Depression and mood swings
- Alopecia
- Liver cirrhosis
- Heart problems
Apart from steroids different supplements are also in the market and they claim to increase strength, agility and endurance & help in shaping the body for the desired purpose.
Different types of supplements are available and can be broadly classified into:
- Natural supplements, made from herbs and plant extracts. Examples are proteins and fish oil.
- Synthetic supplements, artificially made. Examples are multivitamins
- Energy drinks
- Protein shakes example is whey protein and branched chain amino acids.
Some very widely used supplements are as follows:
- Creatine: Use to build muscles but one should be cautious as it is linked with compartment syndrome and kidney problems.
- Branched chain amino acids: it contains leucine, isoleucine and valine, found in animal source of proteins.
- Beta alanine: it reduces fatigue and enhances performance.
- Weight gainers: help to increase calorie intake and proteins.
- Protein supplements: if protein intake is not sufficient then such supplements are use.
Supplements help by providing necessary calories or proteins to help gain muscle mass and they also increase the stamina so one can work longer in the gym and thus enhancement of muscles occur.
Different bodybuilders buy steroids UK and supplements to enhance their performance and help maintain and enhance their physique, but only legalized ones should be used to reap maximum benefits and avoid adverse effect as much as possible.