
Loan Requirements You Should Know Before Applying

There are times when people suddenly want to pursue something but lack the financial capability to actually do it. There are also times that people plan to purchase something very costly, like cars and houses. But they cannot push them through because they do not have a huge amount on hand to pay for them in one go. Good thing banks and finance companies offer loans for people who need a hefty amount of money as a help.

Though applying for a loan may sound simple, you must understand that it has underlying outcomes in which they require to get something from you in return. This means along with the amount you have to pay back to the lender in monthly installments, you also have to include a certain amount for the interest rates. You have to keep in mind that opting for loans increases the total cost of what you actually borrowed. It is because of the interest that you have to pay.

Apart from this, you also need to remember that if you are going to apply for a loan, especially as a first timer, there are certain loan requirements that you need to provide for your lenders. These are essential because your approval will vary through these considerations. Whether you are eligible to borrow money from them or not. 

Before you start looking for a loan, familiarize yourself with the qualifications and requirements you need to meet. These include your credit score and credit history, monthly and annual income, your employer’s contact information, and collaterals. When you are already familiar with what these are, it can help you streamline the application process. It can also enhance the possibilities of you getting approved. Continue reading to learn more.

Credit Score and Credit History

Your credit score is one of the most important factors that finance companies and lenders consider when they assess a loan application. This will determine what type of loan they are going to give you. Also for which loan terms you are qualified to apply for. There are some lenders that will let people borrow money without presenting any of their credit history at all. But then it is better to prepare for this requirement to become more aware of it.

Factors affecting your credit score would be your payment history from your previous loan, the amount of outstanding debt, and length of the loan you applied for before. You will be having a good credit score if you have the ability to pay the monthly installments on time. And if you have a good score, the higher the chances of securing a loan with favorable terms. Especially when you are going to borrow a hefty amount, you have to make sure that you have a credit score that is greater than the normal one.

On the other hand, if you have a credit score lower than the minimum, there are possibilities that you will not get approved. There are times that they still accept those with bad credit scores. But then it might greatly affect the interest rate that you will be charged with. With this, you have to weigh your options before coming up with a decision.

Loans rely so much on your creditworthiness. You have to be aware of your credit score and your credit history. If your scores do not reach the minimum requirements, you can work to improve them before applying for a loan. Do not settle for one with high interest rates. Just work to get them higher, to save yourself from potentially thousands of dollars.

Monthly and Annual Income

Your salary has an effect on your ability to pay off a loan. The amount you earn monthly and yearly is part of the loan requirements lenders impose that you need to comply with. This will be the basis of your lenders to ensure that you have the means to repay a new loan. They will see if you have the financial capability to secure monthly payments without having to delay or miss them. But then, minimum income requirements vary by lender, and also on how huge is the amount you are going to borrow from them.

What you are going to submit as a proof of income may include recent tax returns, bank statements, and payslips from employers. For self-employed people applying for a loan can provide previous tax returns or bank deposits to adhere to the requirement.

Employee’s Contact Information

This requirement acts similarly to a character reference on resumes. Lenders will need to get your employer’s contact information to make sure that the information you are sending to them is correct. There are possibilities that the lenders will contact them as references to verify your income.


For personal loans to be secured, lenders may have to require you to put a valuable asset up as collateral. This may include a cash account, an investment account, a real estate, or collectibles like coins and other items that are worth a great deal of money. If you opt for loaning for a home or a vehicle, they can be considered as collaterals themselves. They are the underlying purpose of the loan. You are required to put up a collateral. If you fall behind on your payment, the lender can repossess the collateral so you can recover the remaining loan balance.

If you fail to pay monthly payments for a while, you could still be able to continue your loans and still receive financing by submitting collateral. Personal properties can be considered as one. You can put some of these up to guarantee the repayment of a loan. However, the type of collateral you submit will affect the value of the loan you will be obtaining. For example, you opt for a large loan. What you could submit would be a structural collateral like a home or an office. For smaller ones on the other hand, lenders may consider some valuable stuff or equipment.

Key Takeaway

Applying for a loan and getting approved for one may be a tough process. It entails certain responsibilities that can be detrimental to the whole process. This is why you need to be enlightened as to what loan requirements you need to comply with to successfully secure one. You need to take into consideration your current credit score and your credit history, submit your monthly and annual income along with your employer’s contact information, and think of a collateral that you can put up as a backup plan in case things go way out of hand when it comes to financial stability. It is best to get an idea of these initially. This is so you should know what are the things you need to have prepared for before getting a loan.

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