
Importance of Consultancies in Carrying out a Project

Currently, many organizations have problems defining how to start their projects which can be sought out while knowing the Importance of Consultancies, they do not have a clear vision of what they want and how they want it, which is why it is important of consultancies in order to establish or determine the bases of the project.

Importance of consultancies

The first thing that must be done in the consultancy is a preliminary evaluation, this evaluation is nothing more than the planning. Where the consultant knows the company, what its processes, needs, and requirements are, at this point it is important to know who it is the figure of the consultant.

Importance of consultancies

What is a consultant?

They are professionals who provide advisory services to different organizations, both public and private, on the best way to carry out a project. One of the main characteristics of an advisor is to provide a comprehensive service that covers all areas of the organization. However, there are specific advisors for areas such as: marketing, sales, finance, logistics and technological solutions.

Now, entering the subject, let’s define what a consultancy is

It is a study prior to carrying out a project in which different people from both the organization and an external company called a consultant are involved in order to define, evaluate and organize what will be the bases of the project they wish to carry out. Intended to capture in black and white the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a new way of carrying out processes. In the organization or making total changes in processes such as implementing a new system or new process flows.

What is the scope of the consultancy?

Consulting is a high added value service that consists of helping clients to improve their results. Management consulting provides strategic and feasible approaches, effective tools, and corrective measures for problem-solving.

Why is consulting important?

The fundamental objective of professional consulting is to provide viable recommendations and implement appropriate measures to increase the productivity and competitiveness of companies.

What is process consulting in organizational development?

Definition of process consulting is the basis of the broader concept of organizational development and configures its philosophical pillar since most of what the consultant does to help organizations is based on the premises of process consulting processes.

Steps in carrying out the Consultancy:

 Definition of needs and requirements: this phase begins with a series of interviews in which the consultant holds different meetings with all the personnel that will be part of the project to have a clear vision of what the current processes are like within the organization and thus be able to define the best way to do it. After this meeting process, the consultant will have a clearer vision of the entire organization.

Proposal: The complete documentation is presented to the organization’s board so that they validate and approve. Each of the proposed objectives, responsibilities are established, the scope of the project is presented and future prospecting is seen. This ends with the signing of the proposal, which is the approval of the proposal to start the implementation of the system or the changes.


Importance of consultancies

  • Allow defining the causes of problems within the organization, in order to find the indicated corrections depending on the problem.
  • They visualize the weaknesses and strengths of the organization.
  • Help lower costs and increase the profitability of the organization.
  • They allow the planning of new growth and development strategies.
  • Help adjust the organizational structure.
  • They allow validating if there is a staff capable of aligning itself with the growth and success of the organization.

We can define that the importance of consultancies in business strategy coach new jersey is to have an external view of how the organization is currently and how far it can go, if changes are implemented that contribute to its growth, these consultancies are recommended to be carried out in organizations not only at the moment of wanting to implement a new project, they must also be carried out when management wants to visualize where its strengths and weaknesses are.

Advantage and disadvantages


  • They improve the use of the organization’s human and physical resources.
  • Use of technological resources.
  • Optimize time in carrying out any activity.
  • They help make timely and better decisions based on real and proven data.
  • They align people according to their Profile and Capabilities in the right positions for them – to have a more efficient and intelligent performance.
  • Facilitate the management of information.
  • They determine what will be priorities within the organization.
  • They discover and evaluate new business opportunities, in which the organization can venture.
  • Improve the systems and methods of carrying out the processes.
  • They carry out diagnoses of the current and future situation of the organization.


  • If the consulting team does not have extensive knowledge in the area. It can cause delays in the delivery of results and poorly formulated processes.
  • If the staff of the organization is not willing to change the results of the consultancy.

Be vigilant about your payment delays

Not anticipating payment discrepancies between your customers and suppliers, can be fatal for the company! This is extremely important data for the proper management of your cash flow. Because a growing company, which does not control its cash flow, can put the key on the door quickly.

In order to deal with possible financial problems, you can create cash flow forecasts, negotiate a larger overdraft with your bank, or build up a working capital requirement more appropriate to your activity.

Be sure to follow up on your quotes and invoices

Don’t bury your head in the sand because cash is the sinews of war for the company’s survival. On the contrary, be reactive and proactive! Create a relationship with your interlocutor (decision maker), to know if he has received the estimate and that you are at his disposal if he has questions.

Make yourself known to the accounting referent of your customers and suppliers, in order to streamline the relationship and in particular during reminders and receipt of invoices.
Concerning the latter, establish a schedule for monitoring customer payments in order to enforce payment of their invoice.

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