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How to Make WordPress Website Mobile Responsive

Importance of Mobile Friendly WordPress Website

Do you have a WordPress website? If so, then you are probably aware of the importance of making it mobile-friendly. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this. In this article, we will go over how to make a WordPress site mobile responsive and some plugins that can help you do so.

A mobile-friendly website is a website where you can view the content when you are using your smartphone or tablet. This means that it should display information in a way that is easy to read and use on these devices.

Increase in mobile usage

Mobile is the new way to access the internet. More and more people are using mobile devices to shop, bank and socialize. According to Google, mobile use has increased by 150% in 2013 alone! This trend does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

With all this traffic going through your website on a daily basis, it makes sense that you would want your website available on these platforms as well.

Large Customer Base

More than 50% of users are accessing the internet through mobile devices. When you’re trying to attract customers and win over new business, it’s important that your website is optimized for these consumers. Mobile users are more likely to convert than desktop users because they’re buying on their phones while they’re out and about. They can see what the product looks like or read reviews right there at the store or wherever they happen to be shopping. A mobile friendly website that allows you to engage with customers when they’re searching for what you offer will help increase sales and keep them coming back again and again!

Improve search rankings

One of the major benefits of a mobile-friendly website is that it will help your website rank higher in search engine results.

Search engines like Google and Bing give higher rankings to mobile friendly websites because they are easier to index and crawl by search engines. Moreover, they also load faster than non-mobile optimized websites and are more user friendly. Additionally, mobile friendly websites have an advantage over non-optimized sites in terms of accessibility by search engines because they have fewer issues with duplicate content or thin content (i.e., low value).

Cost effective

Mobile friendly websites are more cost effective; it requires less maintenance. Mobile friendly websites require less updating than any other website. It is more accessible to your business customers on the go.

Easy to update and maintain

One of the primary advantages of having a mobile-friendly website is that it’s easy to update and maintain. This is especially true if you’re using a CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress or Drupal, where changes can be made in real time. You can also make updates with an app on your phone that lets you access your site directly from any device at any time, though this method may not be as reliable as direct web access through a browser window, so use caution.

A mobile-friendly website ensures that when potential customers visit your site from their phones or tablets. Mobile responsiveness of your WordPress website ensures your website visitor have no trouble accessing the same level of quality content available on desktop computers. They’ll also have quick and easy access to phone numbers and directions for finding stores nearby plus, any other information about products/services/locations that could help make buying decisions faster.

How to make WordPress Website Mobile Friendly

You need to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly, because it’s essential for your business. Mobile users are more likely to buy from a mobile-friendly website and return to the same site, which means an increase in sales.

Mobile users also tend to share websites on social media more often than desktop users. That can mean more traffic on your site and higher rankings in search engines if you do it right.

Use responsive themes

WordPress responsive theme adapts to the device it is viewed on, so it will make your website look great on all devices. Most themes are responsive, but if you want to make sure your site looks good on every device (especially mobile) and won’t break when resized or viewed at different resolutions, then choose a responsive theme!

Some premium themes are also specifically designed for mobile users. If you’re willing to invest in premium themes for your WordPress website, then check out some premium WordPress theme bundle sale. Bundle package of website themes gives you get and use more responsive theme from the package.

Make your site mobile friendly with plugins

There are several plugins available in the WordPress plugin repository that you can use to make your website mobile friendly. Here are some effective WordPress plugins you can install to make your business website more responsive to mobile devices.

  • WP Mobile Detect
  • Mobile Friendly Test
  • Mobile Optimized Test

Make your website faster

Making your website faster is a crucial step to having a mobile-friendly site. There are various ways to make this happen, but the most effective method is to use a CDN. The full form of CDN is content delivery network. A CDN will store all of the static files of website, like images, JavaScript and CSS files on multiple servers. It stores your website files around the world so that they can be accessed quickly and efficiently. Using CDN makes your site accessible by anyone with an internet connection.

A good practice is to minify your code using plugins such as WP Smush and Autoptimize. This reduces file sizes so that pages load much faster than before! Check out our article on how to speed up WordPress websites for more ways of speeding up WordPress sites.


Mobile optimization is crucial to the success of your website and business. If you want to attract more visitors to your business website and turn them into customers. Make sure they can easily use your website on their mobile devices. You don’t have to invest in expensive software or hire an expert web developer. There are plenty of free tools out there that will help you make your site mobile friendly at no cost.

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