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How to generate fancy text using python

How to generate fancy text using python

How to generate fancy text using python Have you ever wondered how a ‘peek’ and ‘load’ script in an app function? 😉 Or how a ‘delete’ button can be made and enabled? How can we make an infinite scrolling tree? These are some kind of the tasks we do in mind to use this functions for generating fancy text generator.

The look of this script is pretty self-explanatory. It allow you to make a scrollable text (in reverse) and then gives you the exact image you want to use on top of it. You can check the included image files here: see to your heart’s content.

Below is a step by step how I made the script:

You can use this script for any specific reason and I would recommend to use it if you are making a look for an Android app or a website, it can be used to create a different theme for a website.


The box title is a preview of the movie “Kung Fu Panda”.

This source code is free, and the only attribution I needed to do was to mention its link to github.

That is all for now! I’ll do another post soon 🙂

I’m writing this post because I got lot of comments on my previous post about working with variables. Now it’s time to write a post about some script code. I am making a script that can be used for making text scrollable.

It is very useful for any HTML page that has something like the below:

You can make your text completely visible for example and then, when you scroll down, it will scroll in a weird way.

Fancy Text Code

You can get the code for this example below:

You can use this script for any specific reason and I would recommend to use it if you are making a look for an Android app or a website, it can be used to create a different theme for a website.

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Bonus – resource:

Here is the list of resources that helped me in making this post. These resources are great in case you are interested in writing a script like the one I have built.

Resources for Writing JavaScript – A Post about Writing JavaScript

Write to the Maker – a nice post about JavaScript, especially “The Shadow of Undeclared Variables”

A (very) Brief Guide to JavaScript – a nice post about JavaScript and its quirks

An Irresistible Object – another very nice post about JavaScript

Show Me Some Variables – nice article about JavaScript variables and types

JavaScript For Web Designers – I have been surprised about this post about “Vari

More Font Generator

font generator with OpenType features, and while this is fine for basic text, it’s less than ideal for logos and style sheets. What’s more, it won’t work in a windowed environment. My storyboard project’s design is based around bolded fonts, and just using a couple of unique glyphs on the page will leave a lot of white space. Fortunately, Quasigo comes with a few excellent fonts pre-installed, including a very nice sans-serif called Forum Sans.

It has a similarly bland feel to Univers and is available for free. Some of the icons it comes with are also great, though their only real use is on menu bars.

The main drawback to using Quasigo is the limitation on the layout of the layout layers. You can place fonts on one layer, and PNGs, PDFs, fonts, and other elements on another layer, but that’s it. This has been a real obstacle for the Windows version of Quasigo, so if you use a Mac, Linux, or ChromeOS, you’ll probably want to consider a different tool like WebDesigner Pad, which supports layers, fonts, and styles.

You’ll also find that fonts like that found in Quasigo will require a bit more fiddling to find at first. You’ll have to open the Preferences dialog and choose “More Fonts” in the Fonts section to get started. This includes many more free and open source fonts, however.

Difference Between Libraries and Software

Both Quasigo and OpenType Font Generator use a library to compile assets into glyphs that are then used by the application. The difference is that FontLab doesn’t store any glyphs in memory; instead, it only loads or creates one font at a time from a library.

For the purposes of this article, FontLab is called out because it’s a good example of how to create high-quality font assets. If you plan to create lots of files at once, you’ll probably want to look into using a more full-featured solution, like Quasigo, which also provides an assortment of fonts.

However, FontLab isn’t always the best option for creating text elements. Consider how many files you create with FontLab, and you’ll find that unless you’re a professional designer, you’ll have to scale fonts. That’s not a major deal on the Web, but if you’re planning to distribute your designs on a computer or mobile device, that scaling can be a real bottleneck.


When we run a roundup of open source tools, we’re constantly conscious of the nuances that make up each program. In many ways, that reflects how varied this category of software is. There’s a reason that it’s so hard to put a rating on each of these tools; each one offers a slightly different take on the design process, and while you’ll likely find a tool that suits your needs, there will always be something you don’t like about the software.

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