Health and Fitness

How can you treat period bloating at home?

Bloating is one of the common symptoms of periods that many women experience. It can make any woman feel like they have gained weight, the parts of the body start tightening and sometimes even the body parts start swelling. In general, bloating may take place before your periods and it may go itself after you start menstruating. You as a woman may not be able to prevent bloating but certain home remedies can help you. To treat period bloating at home, you may require to go to your kitchen area and get at least something to eat by yourself. You can try out the following things:

  • Low sodium diet
  • Drinking a lot of water
  • Skipping caffeine, and alcohol
  • Limiting the habit of eating processed food
  • Exercising regularly
  • Taking diuretics
  • Talking to the doctor and asking if the birth control pills will work or not

If bloating is impacting your daily routine, you can consider talking to your nearby Gastroenterologist in Mumbai.

What are certain home remedies to treat period bloating at home?

While no cure fits all, you may require to reduce bloating during your period by taking the following steps:

  • Eat the right foods

Avoid eating too much salt. But, here the question is how do you know if your diet is less or high in salt? In one day, you should not take more than 2,300 mg of salt. Processed food consists of a lot of salt and other ingredients that may not be healthy for you. Instead, you can try focusing on your fruit diet, and vegetable diet and can choose to eat other nutrient-rich foods like grain, lean protein, nuts, and seeds.

  • Drink lots of water

Water makes you feel full on your stomach and there are days when you feel bloated, water can help you with the solution. You can try carrying a water bottle wherever you go and aim to drink several times a day. There is no single recommendation on how much, when, and how you should drink water. The amount of water varies from person to person or their health, environment, and other factors. A good thumb rule to drink water is to follow the basic rule, i.e, drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day. You can keep a reusable water bottle with yourself and can depend on your water needs for the day.

  • Skip alcohol and caffeine

Experts say that you should not over-drink alcohol or any kind of caffeine. This may bring you certain diseases like bloating, kidney stones, kidney issues, stomach issues, and liver issues. Instead of choosing any beverage to relax your muscles, you can opt to drink water. If you are facing a hard time managing your morning cup of coffee and replacing it with a simple glass of water, you can try substituting certain caffeinated drinks, or can also limit the use of caffeine or alcohol.

  • Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is the best way to treat period bloating at home and work on your PMS symptoms. You can try at least one of the following:

  • a few hours of moderate physical activity (minimum 20 or 30 minutes per day)
  • At least an hour of vigorous activity per week
  • You can also try a combination of these two activities
  • If you are lean or fat, try incorporating certain exercises that help you manage your muscle mass.
  • Consider medication

If any of the above-mentioned techniques are not working for you and is not covering your bloating symptoms before or after the period, you can try reaching out to your nearby doctor. They may help you with a certain types of medications like:

Birth control: Taking birth control pills can majorly help you with PMS symptoms. You can talk to your doctor regarding how much and what amount you should take per day To treat period bloating at home.

What can be the reason for your period bloating?

You may likely experience period bloating before your period. Bloating is one of the common symptoms that can be brought in association with PMS. The symptoms of PMS can start within a day or two or a week before your period starts. You may likely experience bloating every month, once in a while, or not at all. Getting relief from bloating can help you immediately at the start of your period and can bring you relaxation in your body.

If you are having PMS symptoms, you may also have other common symptoms like:

  • cramping
  • food cravings
  • moodiness
  • acne
  • fatigue

These symptoms may change from month to month and you may feel little change in your health as you age.

What can be the reason behind the period causing bloating?

The answer is simple, period causes bloating just because of the certain changes in the hormonal levels. PMS is one of the conditions that take place during the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle. It is during this period that the hormones like estrogen and progesterone can fluctuate. It can also make the lining of the uterus thicker. If you become pregnant, the fertilized egg is attached to the thick lining of the uterus. If you are not pregnant, the thick lining of the uterus leaves your body and you start with your monthly bleeding. However, hormones may not be the only reason for physical symptoms like bloating. You may also have other symptoms like:

  • Genes-related changes
  • The number/amount of vitamins or minerals you take per day
  • your diet especially if it is higher in salt
  • The amount of caffeine or alcohol you are taking per day

When is the right time to look for the doctor’s help?

You should talk to your doctor if you have to bloat and if:

  • It does not go away after your period
  • If it affects your daily activities
  • It is bringing other medical conditions like unexplained weight gain

Bloating is one of the common medical conditions that may take place after you eat a certain type of food, such as broccoli, beans, or cabbage. These kinds of food can cause gas in your stomach and create indigestion. Bloating can bring temporary digestive issues to your body.


Mild to moderate bloating begins before you start bleeding with your monthly cycle and may go away soon after you start your period. As long as you can function normally, you are most likely to manage the symptoms of your period. However, if you feel bloated, more than the limit of your days, you can try reaching out to your doctor and can seek medical help.


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