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High Blood Pressure Cause Erectile Dysfunction and Treatment

High Blood Pressure Cause Erectile Dysfunction and Treatment

Young romantic couple lying together in bed

Can High Blood Pressure Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

The most prevalent causes of Erectile Dysfunction are a range of health conditions specific medicines, as well as life habits that affect the capacity of blood to flow into and throughout the tissues of penile.

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, does not have any symptoms. It’s more than a silent killer since many women and men do not realize that they’re affected by it. But, it’s an extremely serious medical condition and if it is neglecte, it may cause erectile dysfunction, stroke, or heart disease as well as other medical issues.

Causes of Hypertension and Erectile Dysfunction

The most frequently cited causes of impotence and high blood pressure are:

  1. The high blood pressure prevents the penis’ arteries from dilation as they need to do to create and keep the erection. This also causes the penis to cease to relax, and consequently, there is not enough blood flow to the region.
  2. People who suffer from hypertension are more likely than not, have low levels of testosterone, which plays an essential role in every aspect of a man’s sexual life.
  3. Certain medications for hypertension are associated with causing sexual dysfunction. The most frequently used Cenforce 200 drugs are diuretics which are also called water Cenforce 100 pills and beta-blocker medicines.

Why Medications Can Cause ED

Diuretics can trigger ED by reducing the amount of blood flow to penile tissues. Beta-blockers reduce nerve impulses that result in the hardening of the penis. They make it harder for the penis arteries to expand and allow blood to flow through them.

What to Do If Your Medications Are Causing Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

  1. Talk to your doctor if believe your medications may be contributing to ED symptoms.
  2. Reduce your hypertension by being aware of the food you consume and exercising regularly, or changing the blood pressure medication you take.
  3. Certain medications for treating hypertension are often link to inducing erectile dysfunction. Certain medicines may help improve impotence and are recommended for consideration.
  4. Beta-blockers and diuretics are thought to trigger impotence in males. These are commonly prescribe medications prescribe by physicians. You can ask the GP to recommend a mix of blood pressure medications to decrease the chance of erectile dysfunction. This will ensure that a man is better able to get a lasting sexual erection.

If you’re suffering from hypertension it is possible to treat your erectile dysfunction by regulating your blood pressure by having it checke frequently and incorporating lifestyle or medication modifications into your routine.

Copyright 2008. Erectile dysfunction is a problem that affects about 200 million males around the globe. Ian Hastings has just conducted exhaustive studies of erectile dysfunction causes and treatment strategies that work, and those that do not. For all your questions regarding ED answered, as well as thorough reviews of the causes and treatments that are natural, visit Hotmedz.

The Importance of the Early Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction

If erectile dysfunction goes undiagnosed, it could result in an adverse effect on the health of the man. Erectile dysfunction could be a sign of underlying medical conditions like heart disease. The effects of cardiovascular diseases affect blood flow and may cause difficulties in the attainment of an erection. Kidney disease, neurologic disease, and diabetes may also impact your ability to be an erector. The doctors in the Spire Liverpool Hospital say that men are often admitted with sore throats or a sniffle, and prior to leaving they may have gathere the courage to discuss their difficulty in achieving an intimate erection.

Men are generally more adept at ignoring signs that women are, whether it’s an illness that is not as grave. They are more likely to delay the scheduling of an appointment with a doctor until the issue cannot be ignore anymore. The research of the Men’s Health Forum survey reveals that men visit the doctor 20% less frequently than women do. The research reveals that men don’t like visiting the doctor’s clinic because they are often put at a loss by their GP while some admit that they do not believe that the doctor’s office was a welcoming place for men.


Men are often afraid to discuss their issues due to the fact that they are embarrasse by their stigmatization and

considered to be a source of stigmatization. Most men are worried about the reactions of their partners and

therefore try to avoid bringing up the issue.

If doctors were informe of the problem earlier stage, they’d be better place to aid. Unfortunately,

the damage to your cardiovascular system is irreparable therefore early detection is essential in cases where erectile dysfunction is associated with this kind of disease. Additionally, erectile dysfunction can be an indication of cancer in the prostate,

which is one of the leading causes of death in men. Prostate cancer rates have increased by three times in the past 30 years.

Many believe that the root of numerous cases of erectile dysfunction is psychological, and some claim that ED is now being “musicalized”. Contrary to advise from medical experts they recommend that by therapy and communication,

you can discover better methods to address the issue of ED.

This treatment method seems to be a bit not effective. If a patient is engag in body-mind communication the patient could receive vital treatment for a more serious issue

that if not addressed could end up being life-threatening.

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