Hardwood Floor Refinishing Tips That Work Wonders

Hardwood Floor Refinishing Tips is one of the most durable and trendy flooring options for houses. It offers an elegant and stylish look that will last for a long time. Although hardwood flooring is reminiscent of palaces from the past in Europe and the early American houses in America’s south, it is a great fit for contemporary homes.
However, one disadvantage of having hardwood floors is that it is prone to wear and tear as time passes. Although the floor can last for a long time its polished hardwood flooring refinishing Columbus Ohio can get dull and damaged due to excessive use. The process of wearing off is evident on floors made of hardwood found in areas of your home that have heavy foot use.
When Should You Know about Hardwood Floor Refinishing Tips?
The worn-out and deteriorated hardwood floors aren’t just ugly to the eye They are also difficult to maintain as well. This is especially true for floors with polishes or coatings that are peeling away. In other words, keeping the beautiful and shiny appearance of hardwood floors is dependent on regular maintenance or refinishing.
However, it’s important to remember that not every scratch or dullness of your hardwood flooring will need a complete refinishing. Sometimes all you require is cloth and water to restore the shine to your wood flooring. There is a method of determining when it’s the right time to get up and scrub the floor or begin moving furniture before getting to knees.
The first step is to walk over to the flooring made of wood which is the most commonly used. You can then saturate this area with water, perhaps an ounce or two. After that, observe.
Protective Polish On The Hardwood Floor
If the water forms into tiny beads, it signifies that the protective polish on the hardwood floor is functioning and you don’t need to do a massive polishing process; a clean wet fabric or stain remover will suffice to restore the shine. If however, the water has percolated into your floor and caused it to get darker in shade, the floor is already damaged and it’s time to get wood floor refinishing.
Refinishing your hardwood floor is not something you can do on your own. It is recommended to employ the services of flooring experts with acquired knowledge through actual experience as well as the power tools to rejuvenate your worn flooring. However, if you prefer to finish your floors with your own hands then you should begin by reading the guidelines below.
First, determine the area on the wood floor that you are planning to restore. Floors that are smaller than or equal up to 50 sq. feet could be sanded by hand. Sanding paper as well as a great pair of kneepads can assist you in finishing the job. If the floor you’re planning to restore is greater than 50 square feet it is essential to have an electric sander, unless you would prefer to sacrifice your kneecaps or joints.
Choosing a Hardwood Floor Refinishing Company
Then, after removing all fixtures and furniture which could hinder your work area for refinishing remove the old layer of coating on the floor. This is typically made from paint, varnish, or wax. The wax covering is easily removed using a wax stripper that is commonly used, as for petroleum-based flooring, varnish lacquer can be removed with lacquer thinner or acetone. The removal of the hardwood coating will make the floor ready to be sanded.
Third, don’t forget to clean carpet tacks and nails hanging out on the floor. Nails and tacks do more than harm sandpapers and power sanders and power sanders, but they can also hurt your hands too. In addition nails and tacks that aren’t properly removed could seriously damage the design of your wood refinishing. After you have removed these items make sure you fill the holes left by them by using a commercial wood filler with a similar shade.
Best Way To Choose The Surface Of Hardwood Flooring Refinishing
Fourth After sanding the entire surface of the hardwood, clean it clean with a moist floor mop or a cloth. It is best to purchase an oiled cloth coated with resin, which can be found in any hardware store. This special material is capable of removing small dust particles more effectively than vacuums.
Once the floor has dried you can apply the fresh layer of varnish, wax, or paint. For instance, three coats with varnish are recommended. The coating should dry, and then smooth the floor after each application. After you’ve called it done don’t forget to clean the newly restored hardwood floor with a damp or resin-coated fabric to enhance the shine.