Dry Erase Wallpaper Online
Are you interested in adding whiteboard functionality to your workspace walls? There are lots of options available for you to choose from and a wide selection of price ranges on offer.
With so many options on offer it is important to know what you should be looking for in your product and how you can differentiate the good from the mediocre. We’ll also provide you with the info you need on our own wallpapers including Dry Erase wallpaper.
Find out everything you need to below.
What Is The Quality Of The Dry Erase Wallpaper?
One of the most important things to look into when you are choosing a dry wipe wallpaper is how high quality the product is. Make sure you choose a high quality wallpaper that will last you a long time and isn’t overpriced.
Our products are created for commercial workspaces. We expect that they will be used daily, and over and over again. That’s what we designed them for. So you can be certain that you choose Dry Erase wallpaper that you are getting a high quality and commercial grade product.
All our wallpapers come with a 10 year performance guarantees. Make sure the product you choose has them too.
Compare Product Coverage and Weight
When comparing magnetic, projectable or dry wipe wallpaper you should check if the product will cover the area you need it to. Each of the wallpapers in our range come in 10ft2, 53ft2 and 107ft2. You can also apply multiple wallpapers together with minimal jointing so your entire wall can be writable, magnetic or projectable.
You should also determine how heavy the product is. For example, our Smart Magnetic Wallcovering in 107ft2 weighs 15kg. This means you need two people to apply it. For a regular dry wipe wallpaper, like Smart Whiteboard Wallpaper, you only need one.
Why Not Opt For Two in One Functionality?
Are you interested in having a surface that has multiple functionalities? Before choosing a wallpaper make sure it has all the functionalities that you could need. We have wallpapers that are magnetic, projectable, whiteboard and even all three.
These are just a few of the things you need to look into before choosing a dry wipe wallpaper. Make sure you do your research and you will create the perfect functional surface for you.
Interested in seeing our full range of wallpapers, then click here.
Throw out that small, and most likely stained, whiteboard on your classroom wall. Fill in the unsightly holes that drill bits have caused for mounting the boards.
Simply install a length of commercial grade Smart Dry Erase Wallcovering. Covering upto 10 m per roll, apply this wallpaper horizontally at eye level to minimise joints. For increased productivity in your classroom, install the wallpaper over an entire wall or room.
The finish is glossy so it looks sleek and modern. With max wipe-away properties, we offer a no ghosting guarantee with Smart Dry Erase Wallcovering.
This wallcovering even goes around corners if you want to make the most of your space.
This is a great product if you are refurbishing several classrooms, as its ready to use within 24 hours – or as soon as the wallpaper adhesive dries (use any regular wallpaper adhesive).
Two Functionalities in Just One Wallpaper
So we have convinced you to update your classroom or lecture hall to a modern environment with one of our functional wallpapers or paints. Great.
Don’t just stop at one functionality. You can get a whiteboard and projector screen wall with our Smart 2 in 1 Wallcovering : Dry Erase and Projector.
If you project a lot when teaching, or your students make presentations to others, this product is for you.
When an image is projected on the wall, the dry erase capability allows the teacher or student to write over the image, add notes, draw arrows, invite comments and more. This transforms the teaching and learning experience into an interactive dialogue rather than a one way communications.
Choose Dry Erase wallpaper for a Cost-Effective Modern Solution
If budget is a consideration and you can wait for Dry Erase wallpaper to dry before use, Smart Wall Paint is a safe option. Our award-winning original product is used and loved by educators all over the world.
This two part wallpaper system requires only one wallpaper. Note whilst it will be touch dry in approximately 5 hours, it requires 5 days to be ready to use as a whiteboard surface.
You can wallpaper entire walls and classrooms with Smart Wallpaper
Transform your learning space today with these innovative products. They are straight forward to install, will declutter and modernise any classroom and work with all your existing projectors, whiteboard accessories and magnets.
Our wallcoverings and paints come with a 10 year performance guarantee.guarantee.
What are you waiting for ?
See how you can use Dry Erase wallpaper to stand out from the crowd, here.