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Do these 3 yoga asanas daily to open block veins

Do these 3 yoga asanas daily to open block veins

One of the main reasons for blocked veins is poor blood circulation. 3 yoga asanas to clear the blockage of veins, improve blood flow

There is better blood circulation in the body, so you can always be healthy. If the blood circulation is not correct, different types of diseases start arising. One of these is the blockage of the veins. If the blood flow is not correct, then there is a blockage in the veins, due to which the person has trouble walking, getting up, and sitting.

Numbness in the body, cold hands, and feet, muscle cramps, etc. are symptoms of poor blood circulation. Therefore it is very important to have proper blood circulation or blood flow in the body. Although blood flow can be corrected by keeping a good diet, and distance from smoking and alcohol, if the regular practice is done, then the blood flow starts getting better. Yaga improves blood circulation to a great extent. Learn about these 3 best yoga asanas to open block veins and increase blood circulation-

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1. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana helps in improving blood circulation. It strengthens the muscles of the legs, arms, and hips. And it is also a good yoga asana for the heart. It also strengthens the hamstrings. Adho Mukha Svanasana is a better yoga asana to open block veins. If your vein is also blocked, then you can do this yoga asana. Due to this, the flow of blood in the body remains correct and the veins work properly.

How to do Adho Mukha Svanasana:

2. Trikonasana

Trikonasana is also called Triangle Pose. This is a standing page. This asana can be practiced to open block veins. Trikonasana helps in stretching the muscles. Along with this, by using it, the blood circulation in the body also increases. It also helps in the development of breasts. If your blood circulation is poor, then you can do this yoga asana.

How to do Trikonasana:

3. Viparita Karani Yogasanas

It is a Sanskrit word, which refers to the act of turning upside down. It is made up of two words opposite and doing. In this, the opposite means reverse and Karni means to do. In this asana, the params have to be raised like Sarvangasana. It is very easy to do this page. This is one of the asanas performed while lying down. In this yoga asana, the legs are up and the heart is down, due to which the blood circulation is much faster and better. Many diseases are cured on their own by doing this yoga asana. This yoga asana can be done at any age. This yoga asana can be practiced to open closed or blocked veins. Along with improving blood circulation, it also stretches the hamstrings and shoulders.

How to do Viparita Karani Yogasanas:

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And if you also have frequent numbness in your hands and feet, then it may be that your blood circulation is not being done properly. In such a situation, you can practice these yoga asanas regularly. If you have pain in your hands and feet, are suffering from heart disease, or have had any surgery, then do any yoga asana only on the advice of experts. Also, in the beginning, do these yoga asanas only under the supervision of experts.

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