
Bihar Pollution Control Board NOC

When you are planning to set up a new industry in Bihar or do any modification or relocation of existing industries, it is mandatory to get Bihar Pollution Control Board NOC. BPCB is also known as Bihar Environmental Protection Council. It works under the government of Bihar, India.

Bihar Pollution Control Board (BPCB) is one of the pollution control boards under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. It was established to control industrial pollution in the State of Bihar through monitoring and controlling of industries and other sources that cause pollution such as effluents discharged by industry and trade effluents discharged by commercial establishments into drains, sewage treatment plants, etc.

The main objective of setting up BPCB is to ensure protection, conservation, improvement, and preservation of the environment from pollution by any kind of industries or trade activities in Bihar. BPCB has its office in Patna. The Addl. Secretary is the Member Secretary of BPCB for all matters related to its functioning.

Objectives Of Bihar Pollution Control Board

The objectives of the BPCB are as follows:

  • To formulate and implement strategies to control pollution from various sources such as air, water, noise, thermal, and radiation.
  • Prepare a pollution inventory of all major pollutants and their sources in the State.
  • To monitor ambient air quality in different parts of the state on a continuous basis.
  • Establish a network of ambient air quality monitoring stations in the state.
  • To analyze ambient air quality data collected at different locations in the State.
  • To undertake research and development activities to improve methods to control pollution.
  • Prepare a five-year action plan for abatement of pollution and ensure its implementation through the concerned authorities.
  • To consult with Central or State Government authorities or agencies in matters relating to the control of pollution.

Why BSPCB certificate is Important?

The BSPCB certificate is important and every business owner should be aware of its importance. The certificate issue to companies when they meet the requirements set by BSPCB. The certificate is issued only after BSPCB conducts an audit of the company and it has fulfilled all the criteria that are required by law. It is a serious document that helps in providing the necessary information about the company to the consumers. It not only gives the information about the company but also gives out details regarding the products and services offered by the company. If you want to start your own business, whether it be small or large scale, then having a BSPCB approval certificate is very important.

Obtain BSPCB CTE/CTO consent

You need to get consent from BPCB in order to start an industrial unit in the state. Under the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, prior environmental clearance / prior approval of BPCB is require for setting up any industry/project.

  • For setting up an industry, the applicant has to submit an application giving details such as company profile, location of proposed industry, nature of the industry and its impact on the environment, and so on. The applicant should also give details about the pollution control measures taken by him/her to control the emission of pollutants from the unit.
  • The permission will be valid only if a unit is located in an industrial area and is registered with the pollution control board.

Document required for Consent to establish

  1. Pan card / Voter Card / Adhar Card
  2. Land Document: Registered Sale deed/ lease deed/ land possession certificate/ land receipt
  3. Project Report: Consisting of total project cost, project details, manufacturing process, list of plant & Machinery, Proposed pollution control measures.
  4. Location Map
  5. Plant layout map
  6. Undertaking regarding the distance of different landmarks from the unit boundary as mentioned in the application
  7. Copy of environmental clearance (E.C.) from the competent authority.

Document required for Consent to Operate

  1. Pan Card/ Adhar Card/ Voter ID
  2. Copy of CTE/Previous CTO
  3. Copy of Environmental Clearance (E.C.) with compliance report.
  4. Undertaking regarding the compliance of CTE/ CTO conditions

Read Also: Punjab Pollution Control Board NOC

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