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Best Tips to Clear the UPSC Mains Exam

Upsc exam

In India, the UPSC Exam is still one of the most difficult tests. It takes a lot of work and time to get ready for this test. Preliminary, Mains, and Interview are the three stages of the exam, and they all happen at the same time. These stages are both important because they determine the candidate’s rank at the end of the process.

To get a good score on your Prelims, you don’t have to get a good score on all the tests. It is only a way to get into the UPSC Mains. The UPSC Mains is more difficult because it is subjective in nature, which makes it more difficult for people. Check  Best SSC Coaching in Delhi Here.

These nine exams cover a wide range of topics under each subject. The questions are mostly based on what people think, so it’s important to know the subject inside and out. You can use these tips to pass the UPSC Mains Exam in this post.

This is because hard work is important, but if you combine it with smart work, it will make a big difference in how well you prepare and how well you do in the end. Let’s look at the top ten ways to do well on the IAS Mains test.

A list of 10 things you can do to pass the UPSC Mains Exam

1. A well-planned strategy

In the UPSC Mains exam, things are much more difficult than they were in the first round. Consider these stages to be a ladder that only gets more difficult as you go up. A lot of people think that there isn’t as much competition in the mains, which is true.

But because everyone is on the same level, the competition is even more fierce than it was before. The Mains have a lot of different subjects spread out over the nine papers. This makes it important for a candidate to follow a well-planned plan.

You need to have a plan for how you’ll be preparing over time. This will help you meet your short-term preparation goals and keep track of your progress.

2. Reading the syllabus is very important, so make sure you do it.

In the UPSC Mains syllabus, there are a lot of things that you have to know. Candidates find it hard to remember all the topics on the list. Candidates should keep going back to the syllabus to make sure they don’t forget about any of the things they need to learn about. The best thing to do is either write down the syllabus or take a printout of it.

If you want to keep this sheet in a file, you can mark off the topics that you’ve already done. This is even better when you are preparing. You start with simple topics, and then they get more complicated as you go on until you reach the end of the list of topics.

People always start at the top. This will also give you some time to study current events.

3. Don’t forget to keep up with the news.

Current events are an important part of the main exam. Candidates should not skip current events under any circumstances, so don’t do that. They are important because the mains are based on what people think.

You will be able to connect the dots in your answers if you read the current events for the UPSC. People who talk about the Sabarimala case when they answer questions about India’s role in religion will get more points.

Jammu and Kashmir, the Hathras case, the Farmers Bill, and many other things are still going on, too. This will make your answer stand out and make a good impression on the judge.

4. Writing Exercises

The main paper isn’t based on facts, so you can’t just choose the right answer. There is a test coming up. You go back to your preparation, remember the correct answer, and write it down. This is a very long process.

While you can’t control when you remember the correct answer, you can control how long it takes you to write. Writing your answer before the test will help you improve your speed, structure it, and make it easier to read and check as well.

Candidates have about 8 minutes to write an answer. With practice, this difficult task can be done. When it comes down to it, writing practice will go a long way for your test.

5. Put the Compulsory Papers First.

This is a lot more difficult than the essay and language paper. This makes many people not pay attention to the essay and language paper, which is a bad thing in the long run. In the end, these papers also play a role in the final grades or the rank they get.

Prepare well for the tests, and you’ll be sure to get a better grade. The final rank is based on even 0.5 of the marks, and the essay and language papers are your keys to the doors of the UPSC, which is why they are important.

It’s important for the candidate to pay attention to all of the papers at the same time. Taking any piece of paper lightly is a risk for the score at the end of the class. Taking a look at last year’s questions will also help.

6. Choose the Right Extra.

If you choose the right UPSC option, you should think about it carefully. There is only one way to get the best score. This is the only thing that makes you better than other people for the job. A good idea is to look at all the UPSC options and their syllabuses before you make a choice.

This will help you figure out which subjects might be interesting to you. Some factors must be taken into account when you choose an optional subject for the UPSC. You must go over them once to choose the right one.

7. Practicing

Practicing is a very important part of UPSC Preparation. In order to test yourself, you should try to answer mock tests.

They will give you an idea of how the main papers will look and give you a check on how well you’ve done. Data Flair is giving away free UPSC Mock papers that will help you prepare for the exam.

8. You must make changes to your work.

Covering all of the material before the UPSC exam is hard. If you follow a good strategy, you’ll be able to finish everything on time with revision. The revision will help you remember the things you learned in the past.
So, when you take the final exam, you’ll be a lot faster at coming up with the answer. Though reading the notes, again and again, may get old. Data Flair UPSC quizzes cover a wide range of subjects, so you can always take a quick test as a review.

9. Don’t get stressed out.

The process of preparing for the UPSC is both physically and emotionally draining, but it’s worth it. You need to keep a healthy mind and body to reach your goals. The stress will only make you lose your morale and be less ready.
Don’t let months of work go to waste. To stay on track while you’re preparing, meditate, and work out often.

10. Keep your mind on the task.

Don’t change your goals. The UPSC exams are very hard, and we all know how hard it is to pass. But if you’re smart enough to pass the prelims, the right preparation will help you do well in the mains as well. To keep yourself going and reach your goals, keep your spirits up and work hard.

This last piece of advice will help you follow all of the other advice that we gave you above. When you keep your mind on the task at hand and have faith that it will happen, it will.


In order to do well on the UPSC, you must do your best to prepare. People who have taken the exam before can use these tips. They are based on their own experience and knowledge of the exam. They will help you figure out what to do first and how to structure your study plan for the exam.
Following them is a good way to get a better score on the exams and also to stay calm while you’re studying for them. This is to make sure that your hard work doesn’t go to waste and that you can reach your goals.

The candidates for the UPSC will be better off reading this article for sure. Check out the points above as you prepare for your test. If you are Looking For the Best UPSC or SSC Coaching in Delhi then you can visit

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