If any yoga asana is done according to age, then more benefits can be obtained from it. Learn different yoga asanas for children, elders, and elderly-
Be it children, elders, or the elderly, it is very important for everyone to be physically active for good health. Children are busy with their studies and games, while elders are stuck in their work from home and household responsibilities. Simultaneously, the elderly are spending their time watching TV. In such a situation, it is as if physical activity has completely stopped. But doing so can also put your health at risk. Even if you are not able to go to the park, then you can do some great yoga postures by giving a little time at home. Today we are telling you yoga asanas according to your age, which is very easy to do.
If you are a fitness freak and want to learn more about yoga poses, then you should add a Yoga School in Rishikesh, India.
Vrikshasana for Children:
Young children should be given such yoga asanas so that their physical and mental development is fast. In such a situation, getting a tree pose can be beneficial. Regularly doing Vrikshasana to children improves their height. Therefore, from childhood, if you make your child do this asana, then his height will be right. Apart from this, Vrikshasana is also a good yoga for the mental development of children. Due to this, the children will not have the problem of pain in the holidays when they grow up. By doing this asana daily, the muscles of the hands, feet, and spinal cord of children become strong. Regular practice of Vrikshasana to children does not cause joint pain. Not only this, but it also removes the stress and tension of the children. To keep the weight under control, you must make your child do Vrikshasana regularly. Learn the way to do it-
- To do this, first, stand straight on a mat.
- Keep your feet close together. Keep both your hands straight.
- And now connect the heel of the right foot with the upper part of the left thigh.
- Keep the toes on the bottom and press your thigh with the sole of the right foot.
- Make a prayer posture with your hands. And slowly move the hands above the head.
- During this, you have to balance your body.
- And after staying in this state for some time, you can come back to normal.
- You can repeat this 3-5 times.
- If your child has pain or injury in his knees, then do not make him do Vrikshasana in this situation.
Paschimottanasana for Elders:
Actually, adults have to sit in the office all day long. These days most of the people are working from home but in this also they have to do sitting work for a long time. In such a condition, most people are facing the problem of gas and acidity. Due to sitting at work, people are not able to be so active physically, in such a situation, diseases related to stomachs surround them. These include gas, acidity indigestion, and constipation. Not only this but the muscles and spinal cord can also be damaged by sitting throughout the day. In such a situation, if you are also doing sitting work, then you must definitely include yoga asanas in your lifestyle. With this, you can get relief from all these problems. Regularly doing Paschimottanasana Yogasana relieves stress. Learn how to do it-
- To do this yoga asana, first lay a mat on the ground.
- Sit comfortably on it. Keep both your feet in front.
- While inhaling, raise both your hands up.
- Now while exhaling tries to bend forward slowly.
- Try to hold the fingers of both feet with both your hands.
- Touch your nose with your knee.
- In this state, breathe in and out slowly.
- And now after a few seconds, it comes back to normal.
- You can repeat this yoga asana 3 to 5 times.
Light Exercise for Elderly:
Most of the elderly have joint diseases. Also, they are not physically fit enough to do difficult yoga postures. In such a condition, it is best for the elderly to do subtle exercises. All elders can easily do this sitting. The subtle exercises stretch the muscles of the hands and feet, making them strong. Along with this, the body also gets stretched well. The subtle exercise can be done in these ways.
- To do this, you sit on a mat in a comfortable position.
- Spread both your legs in front. And now try to press the fingers and toes of both feet slowly forward. Then bring it back. You can repeat this 5-8 times.
- And you can also do butterfly posture in subtle exercises. For this, bend both your legs from the knees and join the soles together. Interlock the fingers of your hands and hold the toes of the feet. Now slowly move your knees up and down. You can do this 8-10 times.
- Subtle exercise can also be done for the hands. Keep both your hands in front of you. Slowly bend and straighten all your fingers. This will strengthen the muscles of the fingers.
If you want to learn different types of yoga asana, you can enroll in the Retreat for Depression.
People of all ages can do Pranayama
People of all ages must do Pranayama. The process of exhaling and inhaling slowly is called pranayama. And you can do this with your whole family. Children, elders, and elders can do it all. In Pranayama, you can do Bhastrika, Anulom-Vilom, Kapalbhati etc. This gives oxygen to the body and improves blood circulation. Also, doing pranayama on a regular basis calms the mind and the mind. It removes stress and tension. If you want, you can also pronounce it in it. For this take a long breath and exhale slowly while pronouncing Om. Pranayama is the best yoga, which can be done easily.
Continuous yoga practice leads to better health benefits. Hope you liked this article and now you have understood well about these yoga asanas.