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A Productive Teenager Daily Routine

teenager daily routine

The thing with teenage is that it’s the phase where we wish to do everything from hanging out with new friends to balancing school life with good grades.

It’s all about managing those 24 hours effectively by making a productive schedule that gets all your work done. Thus, I am here to unravel the most productive 11 step teenager daily routine that’s going to bring out the best in you.

Let’s dive in!

  1. Hydration In Morning

The foremost in the teenager daily routine is hydration since your body is lacking water the entire night. After opening your eyes you must immediately have an entire glass of water or more to get hydrated and feel refreshed and energetic.

  1. Quick Meditation

You need to start your day with a clear and optimistic mind and meditation is the best way to do that. Just close your eyes, take deep breaths and relax. You can do this for 5 minutes or even for half an hour depending on your timetable.

  1. Workout

Obesity and heart issues are becoming very common among teens these days since most of them do not include workouts or exercises in their teenager daily routine. You could choose any intriguing workout like cardio, zumba, cycling, skipping, dancing, stretching, yoga, etc.

  1. Healthy Breakfast

Starting your day with a heavy and healthy breakfast is a crucial facet of a teenager daily routine. You need to fuel yourself to be able to cope up with all the miscellaneous things that happen in your busy lives as teens. Make sure you include atleast one fruit in your breakfast.

  1. Preparing A To-Do List

Having a proper plan for the day enables you to cover all the tasks to be performed in an effective way and you know what exactly you are going to do for the entire day. A good to-do list makes your day ten times more productive.

  1. Attending School/College

Well, this was an obvious part of a teenager daily routine so I had to consider it in the list. So make sure you go to your school/college regularly, attend all lectures  diligently and make the most of it.

  1. Healthy Evening Snacks

After coming from school or college, you can freshen up, sit on your cozy couch and have some delicious and healthy evening snacks like cereals, muesli, fruits, smoothies, sandwiches, etc.

  1. Homework + Study

After getting done with your snacks, you’ll feel relaxed and energetic to start with your homework and studies. Make sure you revise everything that was taught in school/college and get done with all your homework diligently as a part of your teenager daily routine.

  1. Dinner With Family

Dinner is probably the only time where you get to see all your family members together at once on the dining table. So make sure you don’t miss the golden opportunity to spend time with your family because family life is an important facet amidst teenage.

  1. Entertainment

Now that you’ve worked so hard for the entire day, it’s time for some me-time! You could either watch your favorite shows, chat with your friends on social media, do skin care routine or read your favorite book.

  1. Journal/ Diary Writing

Journal or diary writing is therapeutic for many teenagers and thus I had to include it in the teenager daily routine. You can express all your thoughts and ideas with this diary or journal and get to know yourselves better.

Okay so that’s it from my box of ideas. I really anticipate that you might have liked these ideas for teenager daily routine. Do try them out! Have a good day ahead!


Author Bio: Teen Conquers is teen lifestyle blogging website. Teen Conquers encapsulates everything about teens and teenage. You find here every facet of teenage from teen issues to ‘me-time’ ideas.  Since teenage is full of enthusiasm, drama, tears and smiles so Teen Conquers aims to help teens to deal with teenage. It aims to make teenage magnificent!

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