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A Guide to Breast Augmentation

Medical advancements have been prominent in this day and age, and different surgical procedures to enhance a certain part of one’s body are being recognized. These life-changing procedures help people ease their worries especially when it comes to their confidence and self-esteem.

Women always aim to look and feel beautiful most of the time. However, they tend to become self-conscious with what they have and how they look because of what they see on others. With this, they usually resort to permanent enhancements as a solution not just to improve their body, but also to improve their self-image, physique, and overall quality of life.

One of the most common surgical procedures being referred to is breast augmentation. It is a process of permanently increasing breast size and enhancing breast shape, usually through placement of breast implants. In fact, the main purpose as to why people opt for breast augmentation is to enhance their natural proportions, creating a more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing breast profile.

For some women, going through breast augmentation is a way to boost up on how they feel about themselves. While for others, it is part of rebuilding and even treating the breast for various conditions. Most women who have had breast augmentation surgery are self-conscious about their bodies due to their current size and shape. With this procedure, women can transform their bodies and feel more confident. But before having to come up with a decision to undergo this permanent treatment procedure, you have to know how each step works — from the preparation to the actual procedure, the risks that you might experience, to the recovery and aftercare. To learn more about this, keep on reading.


Preparing before undergoing the actual breast augmentation procedure is crucial. Similar to most surgical procedures, the preparation process for breast augmentation begins a month and a few weeks before the actual process. The surgeon will then be asking you to stop smoking at least six weeks because it can interfere with the healing process, and might increase the risk of complications. You will also be asked to avoid taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory pills that can thin the blood which can increase the bleeding. Additionally, regardless of the type of surgery to be conducted, it is essential to be hydrated before and after the actual procedure. 

Also, always keep in mind to effectively communicate with the surgeon who will perform your surgery to ensure that they understand what you expect for the outcome, helping you to achieve your goal. Do not hesitate to tell them your expectations as these will help them make operative decisions about the treatment process. Remember, the best outcomes happen when the patient and surgeon communicate properly.


The actual breast augmentation procedure does not last very long. It only takes about an hour and a half in total. In most cases, breast augmentation is performed in a surgical center or a hospital outpatient facility. It does not usually require a hospital stay. You can go home the same day, except those who experienced complications.

While the procedure usually requires general anesthesia, it can also be done with local anesthesia. For those processes that use general anesthesia, patients will be put into sleep for the entire duration. But in cases where patients stay awake, the surgeon uses the local one that only numbs the breast area. Since there are options, the surgeon will give you an opportunity to think about what you will prefer and what you think is right for you.

During the surgery, the surgeon will make a single incision to place the implant under the breast. It can be positioned in three places: under the arm, under the chest, and around the nipple. The surgeon will then position the implant into a pocket. When the implant has already been in place, they will close the incision with stitches or sutures. They will put a bandage around with skin adhesive and surgical tape for the final step. And after the entire procedure has been completed, you will be taken into a recovery area where you will continuously be closely monitored.


Every surgical procedure involves risks and potential complications. And as you come up with the decision to undergo a breast augmentation, this also means that you are aware that there would be involvement of risks like anesthesia risks, bleeding or hematoma infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, poor scarring, wrong position and rupture of implant, the formation of tight scar tissue around the implant, fluid accumulation, wrinkling of the skin over the implant, persistent pain, and the possibility of undergoing through the same surgery over again.

All these risks and possible complications will be discussed to you by your surgeon before the procedure, during the consultation, prior to the signing of the needed consent forms. With breast augmentation, minor complications occur occasionally but do not affect the outcome. Unlike with the major augmentation complications, which may turn out to be very unusual.

Recovery and Aftercare

Feeling pain, discomfort, and soreness is normal after the surgical procedure. Though anesthesia lasts for about 72 hours, most patients say that they still feel a sensation of chest tightness and soreness. After your surgery, you will be given directions for the aftercare. Your surgeon will be advising you with surgical dressings. This includes wearing a bandage, or support bras or garments, that will compress your breasts. It is important to follow their directions to ensure that you will heal optimally.

It is suggested that patients who underwent breast augmentation processes can return to work in three to five days. But then, they will still have restrictions that will limit them from lifting heavy things and other physical activities. Everything must need to be taken slowly to avoid complications and issues, and for the area to heal fully. Too much movement may also cause discomfort from tender breasts. You will be given recommendations on when you will be able to return to regular work and resume recreational activities.

It is vitally essential that you will follow all the instructions given by your surgeon after the breast augmentation. You must also need to understand that the recovery periods are different for each patient. Yours may heal earlier or longer than the expected time. So within the few weeks given, you must still be vigilant and carefully follow all the directions your surgeon asked you to do.

Key Takeaway

Breast augmentation is a safe procedure that can give you long-lasting and permanent results. It may be a long process and results may be seen after a long recovery period. However, it is guaranteed that you will feel more confident. And when you know how the entire surgical procedure works — from the preparation, procedure, knowing what the risks may be, to the recovery and aftercare steps, you will not be clueless on what will actually happen for the process. Also remember to understand and follow every direction that your surgeon will recommend you to do. This is to ensure optimal results without having to worry about complications.

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