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9 Dos and Don’ts for Naturally Beautiful Skin

Many dreams of spotless and radiating Skin, but achieving and maintaining that requires effort, time, and the right glowing skin products. Skin is one of the most delicate parts of our body, and that is why it needs proper care to keep it healthy. However, keeping skin healthy isn’t challenging. With a few little actions, you can have great skin. Below, we have given some essential dos and don’ts for natural, beautiful, healthy skin. Read on.

Follow the Golden Rule


Always remove your makeup before hitting the bed. Your skin needs to breathe overnight; makeup stops that by clogging the pores. This results in blemishes and acne. So don’t forget to remove your makeup at night no matter how tired you are coming from that happening party.


Exfoliation is imperative. It helps you shed your dead skin cells, exposing a brighter skin layer beneath. Exfoliation also reduces acne. Accumulation of sebum, dirt and dead skin cells with bacteria causes acne breakout. The scrub helps kick off these acne aggravators from your skin, preventing pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads.

Choose Products As Per Your Skin Type


When buying skin whitening products, keep your skin type in mind. Every skin is different, and there are customised products according to their types. This helps you choose the right product that targets various skin ailments while keeping low sebum production.


Avoid chemical-based products. Always stick to natural products that use nature-derived ingredients and do not contain heavy chemicals that might hurt your skin in the long run. So, refrain from buying products with artificial fragrance, paraben, sulphate, alcohol, formaldehyde, heavy metals, and other ingredients.

Sun Protection


Apply sunscreen with at least a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15, which blocks UVA and UVB rays. We can’t avoid going out under the sun. Daily exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can lead to wrinkles, ageing, and even skin cancer. Hence, always wear good sunscreen to save your skin from various issues.


Don’t ever skip the sunscreen. Wear it daily, even if it is cloudy outside or during the winter season. If you visit the beach or regions with reflective surfaces like snow or ice, put on more sunscreen than you usually get. Moreover, pick a sunscreen that is non-comedogenic to ensure it doesn’t clog your pores.

Eat Healthy


Be conscious of what you eat. What you eat reflects on your skin and body, so eat healthy food. Add more greens, leafy veggies, fruits, nuts, and seeds into your diet. Have a wholesome 3-meals a day that contains every nutrient your body and skin need to function well.


Cut spicy, fried, fermented, and stored foods from your diet. Also, avoid excessive salt, sugar, and oil. A perfect meal should include vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, zinc, folate, calcium, magnesium, and omega fatty acids. These are some essential nutrients you need to ensure your skin’s health.

Exercise Regularly


Move your body frequently. Regular exercise will improve blood circulation in your body, eventually helping you get supple and radiating skin. Choose Yoga, running, jogging, cycling, aerobics, or any other form of exercise you like. Spare at least 30 minutes a day for daily exercise sessions.


Skin care is important before and after work, so don’t skip it. If you do heavy sweating exercise or outdoor exercise or both, dirt and sweat accumulate on your pores, clogging them. So, wash your face with a mild face wash every time you finish your daily exercise session.

Beauty Sleep


Sleep at least 8 hours a night. Beauty sleep is important; if you don’t get enough, your skin gets tired, like your body, leading to saggy skin and baggy under the eyes. To have better and deeper sleep, stop using your phone for at least an hour before you go to bed. 


Don’t forget to go through your night skincare regime before you hit the sheets. Wash off all the makeup if you haven’t already. Apply a nice moisturiser and eye cream. You may also use a separate moisturiser for night and day. 

Drink More Aqua


Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, if not more. Keep yourself hydrated. Also, eat fruits and vegetables with high water content, for example, watermelon, orange, grapefruit, strawberry, cucumber, etc. A lesser-known tip is to drink water from a blue-coloured bottle, which has cooling effects.


Dehydrated skin needs more hydration both from the inside and outside. If you drink water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside, rose water can be the best topical solution for keeping your skin moist from the outside. Spritzing some sprays throughout the day will help you maintain the pH balance and supple your skin.

Get Rid of Acne


Wash your face with warm water. Use a cleanser that contains alpha hydroxyl acid and beta hydroxyl acid. Massage your face in circular motions using your fingertips whenever you wash your face. After cleansing, pat dry your face and apply a lotion with benzoyl peroxide.


Don’t touch your pimples, and resist the urge to pop them. Popping pimples may result in inflammation, redness, and scarring. If you feel an emerging sign of pimples on your skin, cleanse the area and put on a chilled green tea bag for 10 minutes. Also, if you wear glasses, keep them clean from dirt and oil.

Pamper Yourself


Follow a regular skincare regime. If you have dry skin, use a cherry mask at least once weekly. Smash some cherry pulp and apply it to your face. Keep it for a while and wash it off. You can use a face pack made of chickpea flour or fuller’s earth and turmeric for dry skin.


Don’t neglect your skincare regimen, no matter what. Spare some time, at least a week, to go through some special remedies to pamper yourself. Have a facial massage with oils of choice and skin type. You can choose olive, mustard, coconut, or almond with a few drops of essential oil.

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