8 Effective Ways to treat Indigestion at Home

Indigestion is one of the most common issues people experience while they are eating and it can be incredibly uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat indigestion at home that you can use to quickly alleviate your symptoms without having to see your doctor. Before heading to the effective ways to treat Indigestion at Home, let us first know the causes of Indigestion.
Causes of Indigestion
It is no fun to be suffering from indigestion. It can leave you feeling bloated, nauseous, and out of breath. Sometimes indigestion strikes at random, but other times it is a symptom of something more serious. So what are some common symptoms of indigestion?
Some common causes include:
- Overeating
- Eating spicy or greasy foods
- Drinking too much alcohol
- Smoking cigarettes
- Drinking coffee while eating
- Overeating fatty foods like cheese or ice cream
- Taking prescription medicines such as aspirin or ibuprofen
Besides these obvious signs of indigestion, many people experience indigestion after eating even when they have not eaten any food containing ingredients that would typically cause indigestion. This kind of non-specific indigestion is usually due to nervousness or anxiety and in most cases does not require medical attention.
How to Cure Indigestion
Indigestion and heartburn are uncomfortable conditions that can wreak havoc on your stomach. It sometimes even leads to nausea or vomiting. If you suffer from indigestion there are plenty of simple steps you can take to cure these digestive disorders and make sure they don’t keep returning time and time again. Here are seven effective ways to treat Indigestion at Home.
1. Understand the Causes
The most common cause of indigestion is a disruption in our normal digestive process. There are many reasons why your digestive system may be disrupted. It is important to understand what causes it in order to find ways to prevent and even cure indigestion.
Some common culprits include:
- Stress
- Irregular eating habits
- Poor sleeping habits
- Certain medications
All of these things can lead to an upset stomach or general digestive distress. If you experience frequent bouts of indigestion, it is time to investigate what could be causing them so that you can take appropriate action. The first step is recognizing that there may be a problem at all.
Sometimes we get used to our own ailments and forget how they impact us every day. But if you find yourself feeling nauseous, bloated, or experiencing heartburn more than twice a week then consider talking with your doctor.
2. Avoid Milk, Bread and Sugar
Dairy, grains and sugar are some of those foods that make us feel bloated and uncomfortable. These foods can also cause inflammation in our intestines which is where a lot of indigestion problems occur.
Eliminating dairy, wheat and sugar from your diet should help you lose weight as well as alleviate your indigestion issues.
The more comfortable you are in your own skin, the better your health will be overall. Your intestinal tract is not exactly designed to process highly processed sugars. It might take a few weeks before you notice any changes but you should eventually feel better than ever.
3. Chew Slowly
The faster you chew, the less time your body has to realize it’s full. If you can, put down your fork in between bites. It can make a big difference.
As an added bonus, it helps you pay attention more closely to how hungry or full you are so that you eat only what your body needs. Here are some tips to chew food and make it your habit.
- Chew 15 times before swallowing each bite of food.
- Slow down, even if it feels strange at first.
- Try to train yourself out of mindless eating and potentially save calories in no time flat.
Make it a game by counting each chew. Because most people eat way too fast without realizing it. Don’t worry about chewing one food differently than another. Instead, just focus on chewing slowly.
5. Eat More Fibre
You need plenty of fibre every day, and a simple way to get more is by eating fruits and vegetables. You can add fiber-rich foods including:
- Broccoli
- Apples
- Avocado
- Pears
- Strawberries
- Broccoli
- Whole Grains
- Beans (Lentils)
You should also talk with your doctor about how much fibre you need daily. There may have specific recommendations depending on your medical condition.
In general, adults between 19-50 years old should aim for at least 30 grams of fibre each day. Adults over 50 should consume at least 21 grams per day. For example, adults over 50 who are breastfeeding or pregnant need about 12 grams more than other adults.
If you are having trouble meeting these targets then it’s time to increase your intake of high-fibre foods.
Cut Down on Stress
Stress can lead to a number of digestive issues such as indigestion, heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome. One of the most common causes of stress is work-related pressure. It makes it more difficult to get through a stressful day and also interferes with restful sleep.
To get relief from excess stress:
- Begin by making sure that you are getting adequate exercise and healthy foods.
- Stress reduction techniques like meditation or yoga can also help relieve some symptoms.
- Try essential oils like lavender or tea tree
- Have Green tea once a day
If your job is stressing you out but you can’t quit then find ways to take care of yourself outside of work so that you are better able to handle it when necessary.
For example, if you know your commute home will be particularly hectic and stressful then try leaving early enough to walk or bike instead of driving. You won’t feel as rushed in traffic this way.
And if you do have a long drive ahead of you at night then at least you will have had time to relax during daylight hours.
Use Herbs (Cinnamon)
Not only does cinnamon taste great, but it also has a variety of health benefits. According to holistic nutritionist Jayne Santopietro, there is a compound in cinnamon that can help calm your stomach down.
Chewing some fresh cinnamon sticks can actually work just as well. Keep a container of cinnamon sticks on hand at all times and munch on them when you start feeling queasy.
Most people reach for antacid medications like Aristozyme when they feel indigestion. Read more about Aristozyme Syrup uses.
Note: Be sure to check with your doctor before ingesting large amounts of any spice or herb especially if you are currently taking prescription medications.
Don’t Skip Meals
Skipping meals can be a major cause of indigestion because it is a key contributor to heartburn. The reason is that when you skip meals, your stomach starts working overtime and food ends up sitting in your stomach longer than it normally would.
When food sits too long in your stomach, acid builds up and can spread through your digestive tract. Some symptoms of acid reflux are:
- Burping or belching
- Coughing
- A sore throat
- Chest pain or tightness
So, when you are suffering from indigestion, do not skip your meals. You can also do a few things to manage your symptoms like:
- Try not to go more than four hours without eating.
- Do your best to eat breakfast within an hour of waking up.
- Chew food well before swallowing.
- Drink a glass of water after every meal
Avoiding indigestion is as simple as avoiding overindulgence in unhealthy foods and beverages. Getting regular exercise, eating good food, cooking healthy meals at home, drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy weight are all great ways to keep your digestive system functioning at its best.
As you work on getting your digestion under control, think about what triggers your symptoms. Think about what can help reduce those triggers or make them less painful.