Jetpack is a powerful plugin built by Automattic, the same team behind WordPress and WooCommerce. It combines multiple useful features into a single package that’s available for free. Here are 10 reasons to give Jetpack a try!
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Jetpack For WordPress
1. Free Content Delivery Network
A CDN is a collection of servers distributed around the world that store your website’s files and deliver them to users. The benefits include:
- Faster page loading times. The pages load faster as they’re fetched from a location closer to the visitor, rather than from one of your hosting providers’ data centers.
- More secure websites. Because a CDN caches content on its servers globally, it can help prevent DDOS attacks and other malicious activities by reducing the number of requests made to your server(s).
- It also helps protect against DDoS attacks by storing copies of all files in multiple locations across different regions (which reduces the risk of an entire region being inaccessible).
You may think this isn’t important for small sites with low traffic or shorter uptimes, but if you haven’t experienced downtime during an attack before, I’d encourage you not to underestimate how much time this can save!
2. Optimized for Speed, Performance and Security
Jetpack uses a combination of servers and software to improve speed, performance and security:
- In-house servers. We have our own servers that run on the same network as, which means we can move your site faster between them for massive parallel downloads in under 200 milliseconds.
- Parallelized connections with the cloud. By connecting through multiple cloud providers at once, we’re able to serve content from many more locations than standard hosting allows — up to dozens per second. This helps keep things fast even if one connection breaks down (like when you’re writing something on an airplane).
- Content delivery networks (CDNs)
3. Monitor Downtime and Track Site Traffic
If you’re using WordPress, you probably know the importance of monitoring Downtime and tracking Site Traffic. Jetpack makes it easy for you to do both of these things with just a couple clicks.
Once installed, Jetpack will alert you if your site goes down (which is great for getting back up and running quickly).
You also get information on how much traffic your website is getting daily/monthly. You can use this data to make an informed decision on how to spend your time and money.
For instance, if they see that one specific article has received high levels of traffic over time but isn’t getting as many views anymore, they might decide it’s time for some new content before losing even more readership!
4. Image Optimization and Lazy Loading
Lazy loading is a technique for reducing the initial load time for images. It does this by displaying only the portion of each image that is visible in the viewport and then loads additional portions of it as required over time.
This helps you to use less bandwidth and storage, helping you to save money on hosting costs and improve your site’s performance.
You can activate lazy loading images by using our Jetpack Lazy Load module or installing one of these plugins: Lazy Load For Images (WordPress), Easy Responsive Images (WordPress), or Responsive Image Breakpoints Plugin (WordPress).
5. Authentications & Secure Login
Jetpack’s security features can help you get and stay protected from hackers. Some of the ways Jetpack helps keep your site secure include:
- Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users who want access into your site via a username and password combination as well as another form of verification such as entering a code sent via text message or generated by an app like Google Authenticator.
- Social login integration, including Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter
- Strong password generator to make sure you’re using a unique password for every website (not just WordPress)
- Password reset options that allow you to send an email or text message to help users recover their accounts after they’ve forgotten their passwords. This feature also allows users who don’t have access to their email addresses on Jetpack to recover their passwords via phone call or SMS text message.
- Logout on browser close ensures that when someone logs out using their browser, it will log them all out immediately so there are no lingering sessions running in the background.
6. Manage Multiple WordPress Websites from One Place
One of the best benefits of using Jetpack for WordPress is that you can install it on multiple sites. This means you can manage multiple blogs from a single Dashboard, making it easier to stay on top of your content strategy.
Also Read: How To Speed up Your WordPress Site in 2022
7. WordPress Backup, Restore & Migration Services
If you’re worried about losing your site in a hacker attack, or if you want to make a backup before doing any major changes to your site, Jetpack can help.
After installing the plugin and logging into your dashboard, click on the “Backup Now” button at the bottom of your screen.
This will start generating a backup file onto your computer that includes all of the files from your blog (including images, posts and pages).
8. Infinite Scroll
Infinite Scroll is a feature where, as the user scrolls down a page, new content is loaded into the browser. This means you don’t have to click on “next” or “load more” and wait for new content to be loaded before you can read it.
Infinite Scrolling has proven to be an extremely effective way to increase engagement and conversion rates on your site.
It has also been shown that users like scrolling through long pages of content much more than they do clicking on links or buttons that lead them elsewhere.
9. Lots Of Useful Widgets
Widgets are a great way to add functionality to your website. They’re easy to add, and they provide a simple way for you to customize the look of your site. There are many different types of widgets available in Jetpack—so many that it can be difficult to know where to start! Here are just a few ideas:
- Social media links: You could include links on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. These links will make it easier for people who visit your blog from those sites (or who find it via social media) to connect with you online.
- Contact forms: If you want visitors or customers to contact you through email or another form of communication, then this might be useful for letting them do so quickly.
- Blogrolls & Calendars: If there are other blogs that readers may find interesting based on what’s written here on yours (for example), then including them as part of either one would help encourage further interaction between these others’ audiences too!
10. Media Embeds
One of the best features of Jetpack is its ability to help you embed images into your blog posts, emails and social media posts. This makes it easy to add photos, videos or links from other websites into your content.
For example, if you want to share an image on Instagram but don’t want to open a new tab on mobile, all you need is a link!
You can also use it for embedding videos from YouTube and Vimeo on your website or in emails.
Jetpack For WordPress: Conclusion
Jetpack is an amazing plugin that should be part of your WordPress arsenal. There are so many things you can do with it.
We hope that we have managed to convince you about the benefits of Jetpack and all the capabilities it has, even though there are some small downsides such as paid plans for some features.
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